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452. CGIARにおける日本・日本人研究者の科学的貢献をJARQで情報発信 – 特別号論文公表

452. CGIARにおける日本・日本人研究者の科学的貢献のJARQで情報発信 – 特別号論文公表
CGIARが2021年に設立50周年を迎えることを機に、CGIARの15機関における日本・日本人研究者の科学的貢献とその主要な成果を、Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly(JARQ)の特集号として取りまとめ、今回、国際農研ホームページ上に公表しました。
掲載論文は序章(1本)、CGIAR沿革・近年のOne CGIARの動向についての情報(1本)、CGIARの各機関による主要な成果の研究レビュー(14本)およびCGIARの機関と国際農研の共同研究成果の研究レビュー(1本)です。
Preface to the Special Issue. Kazuki SAITO, Miyuki IIYAMA, Satoru MURANAKA https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/publication/jarq/20ss1
Changing Agendas of CGIAR’s International Agricultural Research. Norihito KANAMORI, Miyuki IIYAMA https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/publication/jarq/20ss17
Potato Germplasm Enhancement with Genetic Resources and Biotechnology Applications and Related Achievements in the Early Years of the International Potato Center (CIP). Kazuo N. WATANABE, Rodomiro Otavio ORTIZ RIOS, Tri HANDAYANI https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/publication/jarq/20ss7
Three Decades of Safeguarding and Promoting Use of Agricultural Biodiversity: Changing Global Perspectives, Paradigm Shifts and Implications. Yasuyuki MORIMOTO, Patrick MAUNDU https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/publication/jarq/20ss3
Agriculture in the Semi-Arid Tropics with Sustainable Use of Scarce Resources: Contribution of Japanese Scientists through Collaboration with ICRISAT. Satoshi TOBITA https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/publication/jarq/20ss9
Diversified Approaches to Evaluate Wide Genetic Resources of Cowpea for Enhancing New Variety Development for West Africa and Its Social Implementation by Cowpea Research Program of IITA. Haruki ISHIKAWA, Ryo MATSUMOTO https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/publication/jarq/20ss11
Crop Development with Data-driven Approach towards Sustainable Agriculture: Lifting the Achievements and Opportunities of Collaborative Research between CIAT and Japan. Satoshi OGAWA, Michael Gomez SELVARAJ, Manabu ISHITANI https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/publication/jarq/20ss4
Integrated Research for Development Approach to Upgrade the Whole Rice Value-chain in Sub-Saharan Africa: Contribution of Africa Rice Center after NERICA (New Rice for Africa). Koichi FUTAKUCHI, Kazuki SAITO https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/publication/jarq/20ss2
Japan and IRRI: Contributions to International Rice Research for Sustainable Development, Lessons Learned and Ways Forward. Yoichiro KATO, Keiichi HAYASHI https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/publication/jarq/20ss13
Contribution of Japanese Scientists to Global Agricultural Science and Production in Wheat and Maize at CIMMYT. Masahiro KISHII https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/publication/jarq/20ss6
The CGIAR–JIRCAS Partnerships for Sustainable Food Systems: Rice Blast Differential Systems and Biological Nitrification Inhibition as Examples. Satoru MURANAKA, Yoshimichi FUKUTA, Guntur V. SUBBARAO, Tadashi YOSHIHASHI https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/publication/jarq/20ss18
Managing Scarce Water Resources in the Drylands of West Asia and North Africa: Review of Joint Research between ICARDA and Japanese Researchers. Masafumi TAMURA, Theib OWEIS, Vinay NANGIA, Stefan STROHMEIER https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/publication/jarq/20ss8
Agricultural, Economic, and Human Development: Joint Research Contributions of Japan and International Food Policy Research Institute. Hiroyuki TAKESHIMA, Futoshi YAMAUCHI, Masahito ENOMOTO https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/publication/jarq/20ss10
Improving the Livelihood of Livestock and Farmers and Public Health in Developing Countries through the Provision of Solutions for the Various Risks They Face. Kohei MAKITA, Munenobu IKEGAMI, Tomoya MATSUMOTO https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/publication/jarq/20ss12
Climate Change and Social Forestry: An Overview of CIFOR Research on Enhancing Resilience in Boreal and Tropical Forest Landscape. Daisuke NAITO, Moira MOELIONO, Vladimir CHAKOV, Victoria KUPTSOVA, Kusin KITSO, Walter LINTANGAH, Ricky MARTIN, Nina YULIANTI https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/publication/jarq/20ss5
Fish in Sustainable Food Systems of the 21st Century: Role of WorldFish Research on Food and Nutrition Security, Gender Equity, and Natural Resource Conservation. Yumiko KURA, Nozomi KAWARAZUKA https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/publication/jarq/20ss16
Agroforestry System Research: Identification of Land Use Change Drivers and Scaling Up of Trees on Farms for Transforming Livelihoods and Landscapes. Miyuki IIYAMA, Cathy WATSON, Motoe MIYAMOTO https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/publication/jarq/20ss15
JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly vol. 55 Special Issue https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/publication/jarq/55/5
(文責:社会科学領域・Africa Rice Center 齋藤和樹、生産環境・畜産領域 村中聡、情報プログラム 飯山みゆき)