・リン鉱石土壌添加堆肥の製造試験の開始(TERRA Africa)

報告書番号 出張年月 国名 関連プログラム 公表年月日
R05-0320 2023年12月 - 2023年12月 ガーナ


Under the Africa upland farming system project, we extracted the DNA of soil samples collected from the 2023 green manure and maize trials at Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (SARI) on-station and farmer’s fields. We re-analyzed the amino nitrogen of xylem saps from the 2023 soybean field experiment to assess the nitrogen fixation of the plant in field conditions. Under the TERRA Africa project, we set up a phosphate-rock-rhizosphere soil composting at the University for Development Studies (UDS).

