
報告書番号 出張年月 国名 関連プログラム 公表年月日
R04-0006 2022年04月 - 2022年05月 マダガスカル, オーストリア, ドイツ


● SATREPS-Madagascar
In November 2021, 2 lowland varieties (FyVary32 & 85) had been released by the SATREPS project and we conducted activities related to seed certification and production. In meetings with JICA cooperation project or PAPRIZ project, we discussed further seed production and dissemination steps. A similar discussion was held with AfricaRice and The National Center for Applied Research on Rural Development (FOFIFA) and it was agreed to test and subsequently disseminate our varieties beyond the FyVary project regions. In addition, I conducted many training sessions with counterpart scientists to analyze obtained results and summarize them in form of research papers.
● MAFF-Germany
The MAFF-Germany project has two additional partners apart from main counterpart organization Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF). These are the rhizosphere research group at The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) University in Vienna and the root and nutrient uptake modeling group of Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) in Jülich. I visited both during this trip. The rhizosphere research group at BOKU is specialized in the collection and analysis of root exudates and their possible role in solubilization of P in the rhizosphere. Very specifically they have developed methodology to sample exudates is situ, meaning in soil grown plants. I learned the processes involved in this in-situ exudate collection and processing, did planning and protocol development for upcoming joint experiments in Tsukuba and co-organized a project meeting between BOKU-ZALF-FZJ-JIRCAS. At FZJ I continued work on modelling P uptake in relation to rhizosphere pH changes as the potentially most important P solubilization process. We conducted a joint experiment testing methods of pH change visualization around rice roots. These methods shall be used to determine whether genotypic differences exist in rhizosphere pH alkalization potential.

