The main activity in Madagascar was to do the sowing and transplanting of upland and lowland experiments at four field sites (Behenji, Antenetikely, Antohobe and Ankazo). This included variety release evaluation trials for three candidate upland varieties at Antohobe and Ankazo. In meetings with JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) experts we discussed the progress of seed production and dissemination steps. In addition, I conducted many data analysis and manuscript writing sessions with counterpart scientists from FOFIFA (The National Center for Applied Research on Rural Development) and LRI (Radioisotopes Laboratory of University of Antananarivo) to analyze obtained results and summarize them in form of research papers. At CIRAD (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development) I had a meeting to plan our research activities based on the set of images taken for seedlings of 684 rice gene bank accessions from IRRI (International Rice Research Institute).