I conducted joint experiments with project partners at ZALF (Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research) to collect root mucilage from different rice genotypes. We furthermore conducted a workshop with presentations from JIRCAS and ZALF project members, as well as associated partners from Vienna University, the Jülich Research Center and Cranfield University.
In Madagascar we visited our own field experiments at five field sites (Manzakandriana, Behenji, Antenetikely, Antohobe and Ankazo). Stress tolerance was evaluated and selections were made. In addition, we conducted a participatory variety selection (PVS) with local farmers at one upland site to obtain their feedback on the three upland varieties that are in the final stages of the variety release process. Sampling was conducted to estimate their P uptake at different time points. I furthermore visited two JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) field sites where our released FyVary varieties are grown for the purpose of farmer training and seed production.