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    227. Four Ways the US can Reassert Leadership on Climate Change

    In international cooperation for climate change mitigation, the major action of a big player, the United States, is noteworthy. Microsoft's Bill Gates welcomed President Biden's decision to rejoin the Paris Agreement. In his blog GatesNotes, he elaborated on the "Four ways the U.S. can reassert leadership on climate change”. 

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    226. United Nations Decade of Ocean Science

    The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development begins this year, 2021. The ocean is the largest ecosystem on Earth, stabilizing climate, storing carbon, producing oxygen and nurturing biodiversity. It supports humankind by providing food, minerals and energy resources, as well as cultural and recreational services.

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    225. Drivers of Land-use Emissions at the Global and Regional Levels

    Human activities such as uses of land have altered ecosystems, degraded biodiversity, disrupted carbon-nitrogen cycles, and increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere. In January 2021, Nature published a paper which analyzed the drivers of GHG emission trends from land use by region and sector during the period from 1961 to 2017. In 2017, GHG emissions from land use accounted for about 25% of total anthropogenic GHG emissions, but the causes varied greatly from region to region. 

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    224. New Insights in Climate Science 2020

    An article in Global Sustainability summarizes the latest findings and most important new emerging fields related to climate change science (10 New Insights in Climate Science 2020 - a Horizon Scan) that could provide the key in determining the path to international cooperation in the climate crisis. 

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    223. Peoples’ Climate Vote ― Largest Survey of Public Opinion on Climate Change

    In January 2021, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the University of Oxford published the results of Peoples’ Climate Vote, the largest survey of public opinion on climate change, conducted in 50 countries and covering more than half of the world's population. The survey showed that despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, 64% of people perceive climate change as an emergency facing the world. 

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    222. CGIAR's 50th Anniversary and One CGIAR

    CGIAR is an international organization established in 1971 with the aim of improving the productivity and technological development of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in developing countries, and has led international agricultural innovation. This year 2021, CGIAR celebrates its 50th anniversary. Bill Gates wrote in his blog, "You’ve probably never heard of CGIAR, but they are essential to feeding our future. No other institution has done as much to feed our world as CGIAR”. 

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    221. Aiming to Improve Resilience Indicators

    Resilience is becoming a top priority in sustainability and development agendas, including high-level policy initiatives such as the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. In January 2021, Nature Sustainability published an article calling for improved resilience indicators. 

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    220. One Planet Summit for Biodiversity

    The 4th One Planet Summit was held on January 11, 2021 with discussions focusing on 4 themes to accelerate international action for the protection of biodiversity and reports on 9 initiatives under these themes. 

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    219. Building e-Extension Platform to Develop African Agriculture

    In recent years, expectations for digital technology as a means of providing weather, technology, and market information to farmers have increased in Africa, and the corona crisis is likely to be an opportunity to accelerate trials for the digital transformation. The Sasakawa Africa Association's pilot project to build the "e-Extension Platform" in Africa is introduced. 

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    218. Scientists Call for Strengthening Climate Change Adaptation Measures

    As greenhouse gas emissions accelerate, the frequency of extreme weather events such as intense droughts, wildfires, heat waves, floods, devastating cyclones, and typhoons is increasing, and scientists point out that these phenomena are caused by anthropogenic economic activities. Researchers around the world have appealed to world leaders to strengthen economic stimulus measures for climate change adaptation.

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    217. Scenario Analysis of the Impact of COVID-19 and Desert Locust on the Global Food Market

    The simultaneous occurrence of COVID-19 and the desert locust infestation in 2020 provided an opportunity to highlight potential distribution vulnerabilities in the food supply chain. In a globalized society, the world food security situation is unpredictable and it is necessary to be prepared. A paper published in Nature Food in January 2021 was inspired by the simultaneous occurrence of COVID-19 and desert locust invasion in 2020 and a scenario analysis was conducted to quantify the impact of such events and other threats on global food security.

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    216. Market Access and Dietary Diversity

    For smallholder farmers in low and middle-income countries, who make up a significant proportion of the undernourished population, dietary diversity is important for a balanced and adequate intake of the nutrients they need. A systematic review paper published in Global Food Security shows that improved market access is effective in improving a farm household’s dietary quality, while showing a positive association between access to markets and dietary diversity. 

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    215. The Need for Strategic Insights Into Global Risks

    The Global Risks Report, published annually by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in January, is drawing attention in predicting trends in global issues as it captures the changing perspectives of world leaders on how to perceive the world. The 2021 report ranked infectious diseases as the global risk with the greatest impact. At the same time, infectious diseases ranked 4th in the top ranking global risks by likelihood, along with climate change related risks such as extreme weather (1st), climate action failure (2nd), human environmental damage (3rd), and biodiversity loss (5th).

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    214. Impact of Climate on Children's Dietary Diversity

    Dietary diversity is important especially for children in order to provide the essential nutrients including micronutrients for growth. However, until now, there is very little empirical research and evidence to demonstrate the relationship between dietary diversity and climate change. In a paper published in Environmental Research Letters in January 2021, the authors found that warming temperatures and increasing rainfall variability have profound short- and long-term impacts on children's dietary diversity, potentially undermining development interventions towards improving food security. 

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    213. The Need for Climate Change Adaptation Measures

    On January 14, 2021, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) published the Adaptation Gap Report 2020, providing updates on the progress of climate change adaptation measures and the actions required. As climate change progresses, there is an increasing need for countries to take climate change adaptation measures as well as climate change mitigation measures. By taking adaptation measures, it is possible to avoid a serious crisis in the future, and the benefits are said to exceed the cost of implementing adaptation measures.

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    212. Year 2020 Ties With 2016 as the Warmest in History

    On January 8, 2021, the EU's Copernicus Climate Change Service announced that the year 2021 tied with 2016 as the warmest year in history, and 2011-2020 as the warmest decade recorded. In 2020, despite the La Nina phenomenon which has the cooling effect, the temperature was pushed by the strong El Nino phenomenon which has a temperature rise effect, and matched the warmest temperature ever recorded in 2016. 

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    211. The Need for Planetary Health Diplomacy

    In January 2021, The Lancet Planetary Health published a commentary entitled "Planetary Health Diplomacy: A Call for Action". In the recovery from the pandemic, the participation of experts in international relations involved in the formulation and implementation of strategic policies for planetary health is requested in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs.

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    210. Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Effects of the New Coronavirus

    Social distancing saves people's lives and at the same time imposes large costs on society as a whole due to the decline in economic activities. The Copenhagen Consensus Center, a think tank that researches and publishes the smartest solutions to the world’s biggest problems, conducted a rapid cost-benefit analysis of moderate social distancing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Ghana. The report assessed the opportunity costs of different strategies to lessen the impact of the pandemic.

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    209. Nature’s Contributions to Mankind

    A paper published in PNAS showed that understanding nature’s contributions to people and monitoring their benefits are crucial in improving our ability to manage earth systems efficiently, equitably and sustainably. The paper reviewed the impact of the progress of environmental degradation over the last 50 years on human quality of life, and noted a declining trend in the potential for nature to contribute in the majority of material, nonmaterial and regulating contributions assessed.

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    208. Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit 2021 Update

    The Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit 2021 (N4G) will be held in December 2021. This summit is an initiative to promote international efforts to resolve malnutrition in conjunction with the Olympic and Paralympic Games. This time, Japan will be the host starting with the launch of "Nutrition for Growth Year of Action" in December 2020 with events throughout the year leading up to the summit.