
Development of agricultural technologies for climate change, resource recycling and environmental conservation

Research Projects

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Related JIRCAS Report

Dr. Victor Kommerell, BNI-Mission Director, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) Visits JIRCAS

On June 19th, JIRCAS welcomed Dr. Victor Kommerell, BNI-Mission Director, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center. He discussed with Mr. Koyama, President to deepen the strategic partnership between JIRCAS and CIMMYT.

He also gave a seminar on the CropSustaiN project funded by Novo Nordisk Foundation, which aims to scale-up BNI-enabled wheat globally.

Philippine Sugar Regulatory Administration Officials Visit JIRCAS

On March 24–30, 2024, JIRCAS welcomed visitors from the Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) of the Department of Agriculture of the Philippines. Ms. Ma. Mitzi V. Mangwag, Board Member and Acting Administrator, together with Atty. Ignacio S. Santillana, Deputy Administrator, visited the Tropical Agricultural Research Front (TARF) in Ishigaki Island and JIRCAS Headquarters in Tsukuba. JIRCAS and SRA are collaborating on three projects: ‘Climate change measures in Monsoon Asia,' ‘Yama-Sato-Umi agroecosystem connectivity', and 'Tropical crop genetic resources.'

Press Release


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Exploring TARF Research in Ishigaki Island ! ~The 17th TARF Online Lecture~
JIRCAS International Symposium 2023
“Innovations to enhance the resilience of tropical forests and sustainability of the forest industry”
Registration period:
- (JST)
U Thant International Conference Hall + Online
(United Nations University 3F, 5-53-70 Jingu-mae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001)


  • Pick Up

    1001. Scents from Tropical Forests

    Plant scents are all around us. Many of the scents used in aromatherapy, especially for healing the tired mind and body, are derived from tropical forest plants. You may not know the names agarwood, sandalwood, and borneol, but you may have encountered their scents. In fact, only a few people have never smelled their scents. Tropical forests are an important source of timber resources, but these non-timber forest products also support people's livelihoods and help generate income for sustainable forestry. Here are some scents that come from tropical forests.
  • Pick Up

    916. Call for Participation in the Platform for the Utilization of Joint Crediting Mechanism in the Agricultural Sector

    We are pleased to invite participants to the Platform for the Utilization of Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) in the Agricultural Sector. This platform has been established by JIRCAS to promote JCM in the agricultural sector in developing countries through information sharing, standardization (development of MRV methodologies), and cooperation and advice to government agencies. We will cooperate in efforts to apply JCM in the agricultural sector through broad exchange and sharing of information among concerned private companies, research institutes and government agencies.
  • Pick Up

    913. COP28 - Integrating Food System Transformation in the Climate Change Agenda

    COP28 began on November 30 in Dubai, and on December 1, representatives from over 130 countries adopted the Leaders' Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems and Climate Change Response, which aims to integrate food systems into the climate change agenda. As part of the program at COP28, MAFF will host a seminar on accelerating the application of climate-smart and resilient agricultural technologies in Asian monsoon countries, in which JIRCAS will participate.

  • Pick Up

    911. 50th JIRCAS Southeast Asia Liaison Office Anniversary Symposium

    In 1972, JIRCAS established an office at the Thai Ministry of Agriculture in Bangkok, now called the Southeast Asia Liaison Office. The 50th JIRCAS Southeast Asia Liaison Office Anniversary Symposium will be held on December 14, 2023, one year later, in a hybrid Thai venue and online format.

  • Pick Up

    900. Addressing the Challenges of Tropical Forests

    The 900th Pick Up focuses on tropical forests, which is also the theme of the 2023 JIRCAS International Symposium, to be held tomorrow, November 17. In addition to supporting biodiversity, ecosystem services, social and cultural identity and livelihoods, tropical forests play a critical role in climate change adaptation and mitigation through regional and global climate regulation. To build strong tropical forests, the key drivers of deforestation and forest degradation must be addressed in conjunction with adaptation measures.