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916. Call for Participation in the Platform for the Utilization of Joint Crediting Mechanism in the Agricultural Sector

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916. Call for Participation in the Platform for the Utilization of Joint Crediting Mechanism in the Agricultural Sector


JIRCAS invites participants to join the Platform for the Utilization of Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) in Agriculture. This platform aims to promote JCM in the agricultural sector of developing countries by facilitating information exchange, standardization (development of MRV methodologies), and providing collaboration and guidance to government agencies.

During the ongoing 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, hosted by the United Arab Emirates, the Emirates Declaration was adopted. The Declaration seeks to strike a balance between climate action and strengthening agricultural and food systems. Numerous countries endorsed the Declaration this year, particularly in light of the global challenges posed by heat waves, extensive wildfires and flooding.

With the need to proactively address climate change on a global scale, reducing methane emissions from rice paddies has emerged as a key concern in the agricultural sector. While mitigating methane emissions from rice paddies is a critical climate change mitigation measure, it is essential to incentivize farmers to adopt these mitigation measures. Carbon credits have gained prominence as a compelling incentive both in Japan and internationally. In addition to domestic J-credits, the Japanese government is actively promoting overseas JCMs established in cooperation with partner countries, especially developing countries.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), which has been at the forefront of JCM implementation in the agricultural sector, has initiated the development of non-fossil fuel MRV methodologies and created an environment for project formation, including the reduction of methane emissions in rice paddies using the JCM.

This platform seeks to facilitate broad information exchange and sharing among stakeholders in the private sector, research institutes, and government agencies. It aims to promote cooperation in the use of JCM in the agricultural sector.


Call for Participation in the Platform for the Utilization of Joint Crediting Mechanisms in the Agricultural Sector

※ JCM (Joint Crediting Mechanism) : A mechanism to contribute to the reduction and absorption of greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable development in partner countries through the dissemination of excellent decarbonization technologies, products, systems, services, infrastructure, etc., and the implementation of measures in those countries, and to achieve a contribution (NDC) determined by both countries through the quantitative evaluation of the contribution and the acquisition of equivalent credits by Japan. 

※  MRV (Measurement, Reporting and Verification) : A mechanism for contributing to the achievement of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

※    NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution) :  Under the Paris Agreement, GHG emission reduction targets that all Parties are required to submit and update every five years.


Contributor: Secretariat of the Platform for the Utilization of Joint Crediting Mechanism in Agriculture



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