
報告書番号 出張年月 国名 関連プログラム 公表年月日
R05-0384 2024年02月 - 2024年03月 日本, マダガスカル


At JIRCAS in Tsukuba I completed two experiments with mutant lines for the phosphate transporter gene. They were conducted in a growth chamber in soil and in nutrient solution, each under high and low P supply. We furthermore completed the analysis of sugars and starch from experiments exploring source-sink relations under P deficiency.
In Madagascar we prepared and conducted a variety release ceremony for our new upland rice variety Mavitrika. The ceremony on March 21st was attended by the prime minister and the ministers of agriculture and higher education. The prime minister gave a well-received speech and the whole event was featured in the evening news on national TV. I furthermore conducted breeding trials to select possible new varieties characterized by higher yield potential when organic manure is applied.

