To further enhance the P (phosphorus) -dipping effect on rice yield, rice genotypes with different root architectures were evaluated under the P-dipping technique, and differences in rice growth between the tested genotypes were identified during field observation. Plots with mature grains were harvested sequentially to analyze grain yield variability between genotypes. In addition to improving rice yield, P-dipping enhanced early flowering by 1 to 3 weeks, enabling the development of rice-vegetable cultivation systems in the region. The early rice harvest under P-dipping allowed the vegetables to grow earlier, resulting in better vegetable growth compared to vegetables grown on the conventional plot. In addition, we have started a pot experiment at LRI (Radioisotopes Laboratory of University of Antananarivo) to identify the GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions from paddy rice soils in Madagascar. The experiment is currently being conducted under the supervision of a Ph.D. student.