
報告書番号 出張年月 国名 関連プログラム 公表年月日
H30-0008 2018年04月 - 2018年04月 マダガスカル


April is the peak rice harvest season in Madagascar and I therefore visited our four field sites to evaluate our breeding material to make selections and to organize the procedures of harvesting. This was followed by bringing harvested straw and grain to the laboratory for further sample processing and data recording. While at field sites we identified additional field plots suitable for experiments during the next rice season and discussed the usage of field plots during with the owners. In order to produce enough seed for that next rice season an off-season seed increase is needed and I visited a possible site at the FOFIFA local station outside the small town of Marovoay. This location is located within an irrigation scheme in the coastal area near the main city of Mahajanga. It will be a suitable site based on year-round warm climate, availability of irrigation water, and the presence of local staff to manage fields. A last objective was to work on the improvement of laboratory and greenhouse facilities. I ordered new windows for the lab to solve the dust-intrusion problem. I further inspected the proposed project greenhouse and found it in very poor state, not suitable for crossing or experimentation. If no other option is provided and would make more sense to build a new greenhouse, rather than remodeling the existing old one.

