
報告書番号 出張年月 国名 関連プログラム 公表年月日
R05-0318 2023年11月 - 2023年12月 ボリビア


Our Project aims to develop early maturing quinoa to improve its resilience to climate change in the Bolivian Altiplano (4,000 MASL) by providing an escape mechanism to short rainfall and prolonged drought period, and seasonal low temperature (winter frost), that occur in late sowing and/or late-maturing type cultivation. I, therefore, traveled to Bolivia to monitor the field experiments and collect flowering data aiming to identify Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) associated to early maturity (at the PROINPA (アンデス農業研究普及機関) Research Station). Agronomic practices were performed following the local procedure. A barcode system was developed to collect flowering and maturing date from three quinoa crossing populations. Development of inflorescence and flowering time was carefully monitored, and plants with first stage of flowering were identified and their barcode tags detached, read, and stored in a spreadsheet file. All phenotyping activities were performed together with the Project counterparts.

