
報告書番号 出張年月 国名 関連プログラム 公表年月日
H29-0241 2017年09月 - 2017年10月 モザンビーク


A five-day-course of AquaCrop training was conducted to transfer the knowledge of using and improving the required parameters for crop yield prediction model (AquaCrop) to counterpart researchers of IIAM who came from various research stations including Nampula, Namialo, Namapa, Nametil, Ribaue, Mapupulo, Lichinga, Gurue, and Mutuali. Presentation on Decision Support System (DSS) was made during a final WRAP-UP seminar of ProSAVANA-PI project on October 16 and a poster presentation concerning our researches was made to the delegates at laboratory of soil and plant analysis on October 17. I provided a published article to numbers of delegates. Finally, the preparation of plant samples (maize and soybean) was proceeded and these samples were brought to our laboratory for chemical analysis.

