Looking-back at TARF events through posters and reports

A looking-back at the events held by the TARF since 2015 will give you a bird's eye view of various activities at TARF. So, while surfing the web for the attractive posters and detailed reports of the events, you can also get a better understanding of the research outputs and outreach programs of TARF. 

Back to the 16th TARF Open House (Online) Please fill in the Open House survey form to facilitate better planning of outreach activities in the future.

TARF Open House

Report on the 10th TARF Open House Day 2015 (In Japanese)

Report on the 11th TARF Open House Day 2016 (In Japanese)

Report on the 12th TARF Open House Day 2017 (In Japanese)

Report on the 13th TARF Open House Day 2018

Report on the 14th TARF Open House Day 2019

14th TARF Open House Day 2019 360-degree panoramic image

(Click and move the cursor to watch the 360-degree panoramic view.)

Report on the 15th TARF Open House Day 2021


TARF Public Lecture

36th TARF Public Lecture “Plants as Sources of Various Oil” (In Japanese)

37th TARF Public Lecture “Conservatuin Agriculture to Feed the World” (In Japanese)

38th TARF Public Lecture “Current Status of Sugarcane Production in Thailand and Efforts toward Multi-Use Applications” (In Japanese)

39th TARF Public Lecture “Sugar Accumulation and Varietal Characteristics of Sugarcane” (In Japanese)

40th TARF Public Lecture “Diversity of Tropical Fruit Trees in Asia” (In Japanese)

41st TARF Public Lecture “Possibility of Indica-type Rice on Ishigaki Island” (In Japanese)

42nd TARF Public Lecuture “Sugarcane Cultivation and Environmental Consevation in Philippines” (In Japanese)

43rd TARF Public Lecture “Plant Biotechnology: A tale of the Past and Present” (In Japanese)

44th TARF Public Lecture “Pest Control Methods You Need to Know, Not just Pesticide”

45th TARF Public Lecture “Breeding Fruit trees: New Passion Fruit Variety ‘Sunny Shine’”

46th TARF Public Lecture “Rice Breeding by Manipulating ‘Time’”

47th TARF Public Lecture “Organic Agriculture for Reduction of Global Warming and Maintenance of Crop Productivity”

48th TARF Public Lecture ”Warm-season Grasses Brachiaria: Utilization in the Tropics and Development of a New Variety ‘Isan’”
(No report for some reasons)

49th TARF Public Lecture “Ice Cream of the Forest, Cherimoya: Possibility of Cultivation in Ishigali Island”


TARF Agricultural Technology Seminar

18th TARF Agricultural Technology Seminar “How to Tie Knots for Fruit tree Cultivation” (In Japanese)

19th TARF Agricultural Technology Seminar “Propagation of Tropical Fruit Trees by layering” (In Japanese)



Briefing and Tasting Session of the New Passion Fruit Variety “Sunny Shine” (In Japanese)

(No poster available because participation was restricted only to local administrative officers, dissemination staff, mass media and passionfruit growers.)



Back to the 16th TARF Open House (Online) Please fill in the Open House survey form to facilitate better planning of outreach activities in the future.