Research activities to assist rice production in Africa

Related Research Program
Stable Agricultural Production


JIRCAS carries out various research activities in close coordination with international initiatives such as Coalition for African Rice Development(CARD) that aim to assist rice production in Africa. Here we introduce some tools for enhancing rice production generated by our studies.

Field management and cultivation techniques in rainfed lowland conditions.

Paddy field with bund constructed at one of the sites for validity study (in a suburb of Kumashi, Ghana)

Soil fertility management in lowland conditions.

Government officers and farmers discuss the contents of the manual (Ashanti Region, Ghana)

Rice plants require some elements for better plant growth (Northern Region, Ghana)

Weed management in lowland conditions.

Weeds interfere with both rice growth and harvesting operations, hence understanding weed ecology is important in controlling them.

Efficient utilization of water resources for rice cultivation

The “paired pond system” saves overflowing water by channeling it from an existing reservoir into a new reservoir, enabling us to utilize the water for supplementary irrigation in paddy fields.

Upper left: main pond (dugout), Right: sub-pond next to paddy fields.

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