Publication of “Silage and Fermented TMR - Preparation Manual” for the tropical and subtropical regions with dry season

Related Research Program
Stable Agricultural Production

JIRCAS has published a manual for preparation of silage and fermented TMR based on the results of livestock research in the “Food Security in Africa”project in southern Mozambique.
The manual provides reference information that can help local researchers and farmers understand and utilize agricultural by-product resources as livestock feed. 

In the tropical and subtropical regions with dry season, which include most of Africa, there is a significant shortage of feed during the dry season, which greatly impedes livestock production, such as a decrease in livestock weight and dairy cow milk production. In order to improve the feed shortage, crop residues which are rarely used in the field where livestock are produced can be utilized as feed resources. A large amount of crop residues can be prepared into silage and fermented TMR (total mixed ration) at the end of the rainy season and the beginning of the dry season, which can be stored and used even during the dry season while retaining the nutritional components. This will provide sufficient supply of feed throughout the year that can promote livestock farming and improve the livelihood of local people.

However, there has been no available technology that can be applied under highly constrained conditions in these regions, especially in developing countries. Therefore, based on the results of livestock research obtained in the “Food Security in Africa” project conducted in southern Mozambique, JIRCAS has developed and published a manual for preparation of silage and fermented TMR, providing information that can help local researchers and farmers understand and utilize agricultural by-product resources as livestock feed.

Link to the English version
Silage and Fermented TMR -Preparation Manual- (English) 

Link to the Portuguese version
Silagem & Mistura Total de Ração Fermentada (MTRF) -Manual de Tecnologias- (Português) 

English manual

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