Manual for Development of Low Cost Water Facilities in Africa Published

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Africa rice farming system

In Africa, most drainage channels in paddy fields constructed by farmers are earth canals, which are easily eroded by strong rains and running water, and result in diminishment of canal functions. We have published a manual that introduces inexpensive reinforcement measures for irrigation canals (reinforcement using cover-plants, wooden fence, and soil bricks) that can be implemented by farmers.

In Africa, poverty and food shortages are widespread due to slow economic development and high rate of population growth. Especially in sub-Saharan Africa, rice imports from Asia and North America are increasing each year to meet the growing domestic rice consumption. Among the low marshlands in Africa, it is estimated that there are 20 million hectares of land suitable for rice cultivation. Efficient and sustainable rice cultivation in these low marshlands is essential to realize the goal of doubling rice production in Africa. However, it is commonly known that when strong rains typical of tropical regions occur, runoff and rainfall can destroy water intake facilities, drainage channels, and levees.

JIRCAS, in collaboration with Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), has developed and released a manual (Manual for Improving Rice Production in Africa - Development of Low Cost Irrigation Facility Applicable to Africa) that will enable local farmers to construct and maintain low-cost irrigation facilities with their own techniques. This manual introduces inexpensive reinforcement measures that can be easily implemented by farmers, such as the use of bricks made from local soil, cover-plants, and wooden fence .

We hope that this manual will contribute to the improvement of rice production and increase the income of farmers not only in Ghana but also in other African countries.

Manual for Improving Rice Production in Africa - Development of Low Cost Irrigation Facility applicable to Africa -

Manual for Improving Rice Production in Africa - Development of Low Cost Irrigation Facility applicable to Africa -

Manual for Improving Rice Production in Africa - Development of Low Cost Irrigation Facility applicable to Africa -

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