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122. CIFOR – Meeting the Food Security Challenge for 9 Billion People in 2050: What Impact on Forests?

Researchers from the International Center for Forestry Research (CIFOR) researchers published a paper in Global Environmental Change entitled “Meeting the Food Security Challenge for 9 Billion People in 2050: What Impact on Forests?”. This study reviewed the global agricultural, forestry and land use models, and summarized the impact of increasing food demand with increasing population on forest area.

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121. IMFBlog — COVID-19: Without Help, Low-Income Developing Countries Risk a Lost Decade

On August 27, 2020, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Blog posted an article entitled,“COVID-19: Without Help, Low-Income Developing Countries Risk a Lost Decade”. The support from the international community is key to prevent the pandemic from “creating a COVID generation who loses out on schooling and whose opportunities are permanently damaged”.

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120. The Conversation: Africa Has a Growing Food Security Problem – Why it can’t be fixed without proper data

On August 27, 2020, researchers at the Centre for Competition Regulation and Economic Development of the University of Johannesburg published an article entitled “Africa has a growing food security problem: why it can’t be fixed without proper data” in the online forum, The Conversation. As the pandemic continues to spread, the article emphasized the need for access to accurate and timely information about market markets, food production and prices in establishing a resilient and integrated regional agricultural system over the medium to long term.

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119. JIRCAS 50th Anniversary Symposium 2020

JIRCAS was founded in 1970 as the Tropical Agriculture Research Center (TARF) under the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF). This year 2020, JIRCAS is celebrating its 50th anniversary. To commemorate this milestone, an international symposium with the theme “The role of international collaboration in agricultural research to address challenges in the post-COVID-19 global food system” will be held in a webinar format on November 10th, 2020. Details of the program and registration procedure will be announced later in this website.

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118. United Nations Climate Change Annual Report 2019

On 20 August 2020, the United Nations released the UN Climate Change Annual Report, summarizing the key achievements under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) intergovernmental process and the activities of the Secretariat. The report declares climate change as a planetary emergency, and that before it’s too late, there is an urgent need for global cooperation to make drastic changes in the way we produce, consume and procure energy in order to protect our ecosystems and strengthen resilience to climatic stresses.

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117. Global Multidimensional Poverty Index 2020

The global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) is an international indicator of multidimensional poverty that covers more than 100 developing countries, and complements traditional monetary poverty measures by capturing the rapid deterioration of health, education and living standards. The Global Multidimensional Poverty Index 2020 is jointly published by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

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116. Earth Overshoot Day 2020

The Earth Overshoot Day is defined as the day when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds the Earth's renewable supply capacity. This year, the Earth Overshoot Day for 2020 was moved to the 22nd of August, three weeks later than 2019, as a direct consequence of COVID-19 pandemic and reduction of humanity’s ecological footprint.

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115. Biofuture Platform: Five Principles for Post-COVID Bioeconomy Recovery and Acceleration

On August 12, 2020, the Biofuture Platform, an international initiative with 20 member states aimed at promoting the bioeconomy, in collaboration with the International Energy Agency (IEA), International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP), launched the five principles that governments should adopt as post-COVID-19 economic recovery measures.

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114. JIRCAS-FFTC International Workshop: Applicable Solutions Against Rice Blast in Asia

An international workshop entitled “Applicable Solutions Against Rice Blast in Asia” will be jointly organized by JIRCAS and the Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC) as online conference at 10:00-17:30 (Japan time) on September 18, 2020.

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113. World Bank: Food Security and COVID-19

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Bank has released a brief providing information and updates on the ever-changing agriculture and food situation, links to World Bank and other resources, and call for collective action to keep food trade flowing between countries.

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112. Food Security: Enabling Trade Across Borders and Food Security in Africa

On August 14, 2020, Food Security published a paper "Enabling trade across borders and food security in Africa." While progress has been made worldwide in efforts to eliminate hunger over the past three decades, Africa still faces food security challenges. This paper attempts to analyze whether the elimination of trade barriers through reductions in documents, time and costs to export and import paperwork will improve food security in Africa.

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111. Food Security COVID-19 Special Issue: Mapping Disruption and Resilience Mechanisms in Food Systems

On August 4, 2020, Food Security published a special issue with articles focusing the impacts of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on food security, the resilience mechanisms to such crises, the development of resilient food systems, and the policies to be considered. An opinion article by the Editorial Board entitled “Mapping disruption and resilience mechanisms in food systems” provides an overview and comprehensive analysis on how the current global pandemic is impacting food systems, locally and globally and a series of recommendations intended for policy makers and science leaders.

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110. Nature Climate Change: Current and Future Global Climate Impacts Resulting from COVID-19

On August 6, 2020, a paper entitled "Current and future global climate impacts resulting from COVID-19" was published in Nature Climate Change. According to the authors' analysis using national mobility data, it is estimated that the the cooling effect due to pandemic-driven response such as movement restrictions will be negligible. On the other hand, it is possible to avoid future global warming of 0.3°C by 2050 with an economic recovery geared towards “green” economic stimulus measures and reduction in fossil fuel investments.

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109. Bill Gates ー COVID-19 is awful. Climate change could be worse.

In the August 4, 2020 update of GatesNotes, the blog of Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist said that “COVID-19 is awful. Climate change could be worse”. At the same, he gave an optimistic view that “there are lessons from the current crisis that should guide our response to the next one”.

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108. WorldVeg: Building Momentum for Traditional African Vegetables in Madagascar

The World Vegetable Center (WorldVeg) is leading a study aimed at understanding the diversity of traditional African vegetables used by Malagasy farmers, assessing their conservation status, and exploring opportunities for income generation and increased consumption. Details of the study supported by the Darwin Initiative are presented in an article by Ritha Luoga and Sognigbe N'Danikou published in the WorldVeg website.

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107. Carbon Brief: 2020 Set to be First or Second Warmest Year on Record

On August 11, 2020, temperatures in excess of 40 degrees were recorded in several places in Japan. The Carbon Brief, a UK-based website covering the latest developments on on climate change, announced on July 30 that 2020 could be the first or second warmest year in history.

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106. World Bank ー Beyond the Pandemic: Harnessing the Digital Revolution to Set Food Systems on a Better Course

On August 6, 2020, the World Bank published an article entitled “Beyond the Pandemic: Harnessing the Digital Revolution to Set Food Systems on a Better Course” addressing the issues on pervasive information asymmetry and transaction costs in vast food systems and the need for transformation to a more comprehensive, resilient and sustainable model.

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105. World Economic Forum: To Counter the COVID-19 Recession, Invest in Food Systems

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) published an article entitled “To counter the COVID-19 recession, invest in the food system” at the World Economic Forum. Three measures have been proposed to stimulate the economy and strengthen the food supply chain: regional economic integration, food security, and strengthening the food system at the regional level.

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104. Science: Ecology and Economics for Pandemic Prevention

On July 24, 2020, the article "Ecology and economics for pandemic prevention" was published in Science Magazine. This paper evaluates the cost of monitoring and preventing disease outbreaks due to extensive loss and fragmentation of tropical forests, and the flourishing wildlife trade. Analysis shows that the costs associated with precautionary measures are far less than the economic and mortality costs associated with countering these pathogens.

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103. Science: COVID-19 Risks to Global Food Security

On July 31, 2020, researchers from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) published a paper entitled “COVID-19 risks to global food security” in Science Magazine. The policy forum article tackles how the COVID-19 pandemic has led to economic fallout and disruptions to the food supply chain, and discusses critical responses that policy-makers should consider to prevent this global health crisis from becoming a global food crisis.