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227. Four Ways the US can Reassert Leadership on Climate Change

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Information Analysis



In international cooperation for climate change mitigation, the major action of a big player, the United States, is noteworthy. Microsoft's Bill Gates welcomed President Biden's decision to rejoin the Paris Agreement. In his blog GatesNotes entitled Four ways the U.S. can reassert leadership on climate change, he summarized the 4 ways that America and other countries can advance their leadership on climate change as follows: 

1. Increase the supply of innovation.
2. Increase the demand for innovation.
3. Work globally.
4. Prepare for a warming world.

As an innovation of climate change mitigation measures in food production, he appealed for the need to tackle the issues of the agriculture, forestry and land use sector, which is responsible for 24% of all greenhouse gas emissions, and the stored carbon in soil. He also emphasized the role and the importance of effective fertilizer utilization technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions per product. 

JIRCAS is also collaborating with overseas research institutes to develop climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.

•    Climate change measures in agricultural systems 

•    Development of ecologically sustainable agricultural systems through practical use of biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) function 


GatesNotes: 4 ways the U.S. can reassert leadership on climate change

Contributor: KANAMORI Norihito (Research Strategy Office)

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