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618. "Innovation and Networking of Sugarcane Research for Future Sugarcane Industry in the Asian and Pacific Region" Workshop Tomorrow and Registration Deadline Today

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A workshop on the development of sugarcane research in the Asia-Pacific region is coming up tomorrow. Sugarcane is an economically very important crop that produces large amounts of biomass that can be used for food and energy. Brazil is the world's largest producer, and the top five largest producers include India, Thailand, Pakistan, and China, making Asia's contribution to this crop very significant as well. While demand is expected to continue to increase in line with the growth of the world's population and economy, there are concerns about declining production due to climate change, and there is a need to develop new varieties that can produce high yields of sugar and fiber on a sustainable basis, while being adaptable to poor environments.

Before the workshop, please watch the following video for an overview of sugarcane cultivation, utilization and its potential (In Japanese).


Sugarcane Cultivation, Utilization and Potential

We hope you will join us in this workshop. Registration ends today at 5:00 PM (JST).

Innovation and Networking of Sugarcane Research for Future Sugarcane Industry in the Asian and Pacific Region

Date : August 15 (Thu), 2022, 10:30-16:30 (JST)
Organizers : Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for Asia and the Pacific (FFTC)
Supported by : Kasetsart University
Language : English

Program & Registration Site (Deadline of registration is Wednesday, September 14, 17:00 JST) https://km.fftc.org.tw/workshop/6
Japanese : https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/workshop/2022/e20220915
English : https://www.jircas.go.jp/en/workshop/2022/e20220915

Contributors: TERAJIMA Yoshifumi (TARF), KANAMORI Norihito (Information and Public Relations Office)


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