International Seminar and Workshop on "Rice Research Collaboration: Past and Future"
Purpose: 1.To look back and evaluate the achievement during past decades of Japanese collaboration on rice science, and reflect on the current situation 2. To identify new research areas for future collaboration between Japanese and CGIAR researchers, and find new ways of collaboration, e.g. role of GRiSP 3. To strengthen the partnership between CGIAR scientists and Japanese scientists
- Organized by
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
Global Rice Science Partnership
- In cooperation with
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Secretariat, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO)
National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences
International Rice Research Institute
- Date
- Place
- Place
Mar.4. Norin Hall in MAFF Research Complex (Tsukuba City) Mar 5. Tsukuba International Congress Center Epochal
- Program
- To look back and evaluate the achievement during past decades of Japanese collaboration on rice science, and reflect on the current situation
- To identify new research areas for future collaboration between Japanese and CGIAR researchers, and find new ways of collaboration, e.g. role of GRiSP
- To strengthen the partnership between CGIAR scientists and Japanese scientists
Contents: (See detailed Program below)
Seminar(13:30- Mar. 4) Open for everyone (Admission free, on-site registration)
1. Keynote lectures
Keijiro Otsuka (Professor at GRIPS, ex.IRRI Board-chair, ex. President IAAE)
“Future of Rice Research and Role of Collaboration with Japan”
Gurdev Khush (Adjunct Professor, U.C. Davis, ex. Breeding Director at IRRI)
“How to feed 5 billion rice consumers by 2050”
2. Introduction of research collaboration
Achievement and current situation are presented by IRRI, AfricaRice, etc.
Workshop (9:00- Mar. 5) This event is intended for researchers.
Discussion is made in three parallel sessions. 1) Genomics, genetic resources, and breeding 2) Physiology and production environment 3) Climate change and impact assessment
Poster Session (13:30- Mar. 5)
For display, please contact Dr. Ishimaru at JIRCAS (e-mail: cropman at (by Feb. 28)
Reception (18:30- Mar. 4)
For participation (charged), please contact Dr. Hayashi at JIRCAS (e-mail: khayash at (by Feb. 28)
Day 1: Seminar
Date: March 4 (Wed.), 2015
Venue: Norin Hall at AFFRC/MAFFTime Title of presentation/Activity Resource person/s 13:30-13:50 Welcome/Opening remarks Dr. Masa Iwanaga
President, JIRCAS
Mr. Akira Endo
Dr. Takuji Sasaki
Dr. Akinori Noguchi
Board member, IRRI13:50 –15:30 Keynote address
- Future of Rice Research and Role of Collaboration with Japan
- How to feed 5 billion rice consumers by 2050
Prof. Keijiro Otsuka
Dr. Gurdev Khush
Adjunct Professor, University of California, Davis15:30-15:45 Break 15:45-16:10 Research collaboration of IRRI-Japan and its future-Looking back IRRI-Japan collaborative project- Dr. Matthew Morell
DDGR-IRRI16:10-16:35 Japan-GRiSP collaboration in Africa Dr. Marco Wopereis
DDG-Africa Rice16:35-16:55
Japan-GRiSP collaboration in Asia Dr. David Johnson
Leader for Sustainable Rice-based Production Systems theme and CESD Head, IRRI16:55-17:15
Collaboration with CIAT Prof. Kensuke Okada
Univ. of Tokyo17:15-17:20 Closing remarks Dr.Tokio Imbe
President, NARO17:20-17:35 Group picture taking and break Invited guests Move to EPOCAL hotel (Hotel shuttle) 18:30-20:00 Reception
(Restaurant Espoir in Epochal Tsukuba)Day 2: Workshop
Date: March 5 (Thu.), 2015
Venue: International Congress Center (Epochal Tsukuba)Time Title of presentation/Activity Resource person/s
8:30-9:00 Registration 9:00-9:10 Opening remarks Dr. Masa Iwanaga (JIRCAS) 9:10-9:20 Welcome remarks Mr. Masato Iso (NARO) 9:20-9:45 Enhancing rice research through Japan-IRRI collaboration Dr. Matthew Morell
Deputy Director General-Research, IRRI9:45-10:10 Enhancing rice research through Japan-Africa Rice collaboration Dr. Marco Wopereis
Deputy Director General
Africa Rice10:10-10:30 Coffee break Workshop in parallel session (Morning, 10:30-12:30) Session 1-1: Genomics, genetic resources, and breeding (Room 201)
Chair: Dr. Masahiro Yano (NICS)Session 2-1: Physiology and production environment (Room 202A)
Chair: Dr. Matthias Wissuwa (JIRCAS)Session 3-1: Climate change and impact assessment (Room 202 B)
Chair: Dr. David Johnson (IRRI)10:30-11:00 Presentation 1:
An eight-parent genome shuffling population to improve rice yield potential
Dr. Toshio Yamamoto (NIAS)Presentation 1:
Grain quality under heat stressDr. Satoshi Morita (NARO)
Presentation 1:
Diffusion of Stress-tolerant Rice in South Asia
Dr. Takashi Yamano (IRRI)11:00-11:30 Presentation 2:
International Rice Informatics Consortium
Dr. Nickolai Alexandrov (IRRI)Presentation 2:
Heat tolerance and escape at flowering
Dr. Tsutomu Ishimaru (IRRI-JIRCAS)Presentation 2:
The determinants of technology and productivity of rice farming in Tanzania
Dr. Yuko Nakano (Univ. Tsukuba)11:30-12:00 Presentation 3:
Genetic studies to improve yield potential
Dr. Daisuke Fujita (Kyusyu University, representing IRRI-JIRCAS-NICS)Presentation 3:
Root Physiology and drought tolerance
Dr. Amelia Henry (IRRI)Presentation 3:
Effects of climate change on global supply-demand of cereal crop: world food model analysis using CMIP5 scenarios
Dr. Jun Furuya (JIRCAS)12:00-12:30 Presentation 4:
MAGIC populations as bridging resources to deliver diversity to breeding
Dr. Hei Leung (IRRI)Presentation 4:
Nitrogen utilization and root development
Dr. Mitsuhiro Obara (JIRCAS)Presentation 4:
Rice responses to elevated CO2: Key findings from FACE experiments
Dr.Toshihiro Hasegawa (NIAES)12:30-13:30 Lunch break 13:30-14:30 Poster session Workshop in parallel session (Afternoon, 14:30-16:30) Session 1-2:
Genomics, genetic resources, and breeding (Room 201)
Chair: Dr. Yoshimichi Fukuta (JIRCAS)Session 2-2:
Physiology and Production Environment (Room 202 A)
Chair: Dr. Hei Leung (IRRI)Session 3-2:
Climate change and impact assessment (Room 202 B)
Chair: Dr. Marco Wopereis
(Africa Rice)14:30-15:00 Presentation 5:
Improving P efficiency in rice
Dr. Matthias Wissuwa (JIRCAS)Presentation 5:
Modification of Cd content for Food Safety and Phyto-Remediation
Dr. Satoru Ishikawa (NIAES)Presentation 5: Improvement of crop management for unfavorable rice environments in Asia
Dr. Yo-ichiro Kato (IRRI)15:00-15:30 Presentation 6:
Stress tolerant rice for South Asia: progress and prospectsDr. Abdelbagi Ismail (IRRI)
Presentation 6:
Physical and tasting quality in rice
Dr. Keitaro Suzuki (NICS)Presentation 6:
Rice production system in West Africa
Dr. Kazuki Saito (Africa Rice)15:30-16:00
Presentation 7:
Breeding programs in Africa Rice Center
Dr.Takashi Kumashiro (AfricaRice)Presentation 7:
Prospects of breeding high-quality rice using post-genomic tools
Dr. Nese Sreenivasulu (IRRI)Presentation 7:
The past and future impact of climate change on the major crops: the analysis of the global yield
Dr. Gen Sakurai (NIAES)16:00-16:30 Presentation 8:
Genetic studies on resistance to planthoppers and leafhoppers in rice
Dr. Hideshi Yasui (Kyusyu University)Presentation 8:
Recent issues of paddy weed management and related studies in Japan
Dr. Hiroaki Watanabe (NARO)Presentation 8:
Climate change research: Japan-IRRI collaboration
Dr. Ma. Carmelita Alberto (IRRI) - Registration period
- Language
English only