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613. JIRCAS Activities in Southeast Asia
As base for JIRCAS activities in Southeast Asia, an office was established in Bangkok, Thailand, in 1972. Currently, the liaison office is located in the Department of Agriculture, Thailand, adjacent to Kasetsart University.
The Southeast Asia Liaison Office conducts research on trends and collects local information on agriculture, forestry, and fisheries research in Asia, and disseminates the results of IJIRCAS research by participating in the Thailand National Science and Technology Fair, and holding seminars and other events.
The Thailand National Science and Technology Fair is Thailand's largest science and technology exhibition, held once a year. This year, it was held for nine days from August 13 to 21 at the Impact Exhibition and Conference Center in Nonthaburi Province.
JIRCAS has been participating in the exhibition since 2007, and this year was the first time in three years due to the impact of the new coronavirus pandemic. The JIRCAS exhibit featured the new Brachiaria variety “Issan” developed through international joint research with the Department of Livestock Development of Thailand. “Issan" is the first grass variety developed for the Asian market and has been registered in Japan. It is currently under application for variety registration in Thailand.
In addition, a trophy was presented to JIRCAS at the Thailand National Science and Technology Fair 2022, in recognition of its contribution to science and technology education in Thailand.
Collaboration with universities and research institutes in Asia is very important, and we have co-hosted many workshops as well as international joint research.
This year, we will hold a workshop with the Asia-Pacific Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC) on technological innovation and networking in sugarcane research for the future, focusing on the sugarcane industry in the Asia-Pacific region.
We look forward to your participation.
Innovation and Networking of Sugarcane Research for Future Sugarcane Industry in the Asian and Pacific Region Date: Thursday, August 15, 2022, 10:30-16:30 (JST)
Organizers : Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Food and Fertilizer Technology Center
Supported by: Kasetsart University
Program and registration site (Registration deadline is Wednesday, September 14, 17:00 JST) https://km.fftc.org.tw/workshop/6
Japanese: https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/workshop/2022/e20220915
English: https://www.jircas.go.jp/en/workshop/2022/e20220915
Contributors: ANDO Shotaro and KANAMORI Norihito (Information and Public Relations Office)