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355. International Youth Day
International Youth Day (IYD) is a day of celebration established by the United Nations. The theme for International Youth Day 2021 is "Transforming the Food System: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health", in line with the many food system-related events planned for this year, including the UN Food Systems Summit.
The Sustainable Development Goals including poverty reduction, social inclusion, health care, biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation must be achieved simultaneously by 2030. As stated in the IYD 2021 agenda, there is a need for inclusive support mechanisms that ensure youth continue to amplify efforts collectively and individually to restore the planet and protect life, while integrating biodiversity in the transformation of food systems.
Changes in population size and age structure will have economic, social, and geopolitical impacts in many countries. While Japan is experiencing a declining birthrate and aging population, and fertility rates are reported to be declining, the world population is expected to increase by 2 billion in the next 30 years, especially in developing countries.
Median Age is the value that comes in the middle of all the population in a country, that is, the number of people older than that value is equal to the number of people younger than that value. In 2015, the global average was 29.6 years old. Japan was the oldest at 46.3 years, and Niger in Africa was the youngest at 14.9 years. In terms of birth rate per 1,000 people, Japan's is 7.7 while Niger's is over 47. In developing countries such as Africa, a high population growth rate means a large population of young people.
The projected demographic changes in developing countries are expected to have a significant impact on the food system, with changes in the quality and quantity of food demand. Economic growth will increase opportunities for eating out and eating in, and changes in lifestyles due to women entering the workforce and the shift to nuclear families will lead to changes in eating habits. Reversing the current global trends of climate change and environmental degradation will require a sustainable food system, which will require a shift in both supply and demand, including conscious changes in lifestyles that influence consumption preferences and behavior, environmentally friendly production processes, more efficient use of resources, and corporate social responsibility. This will require a shift in both supply and demand, including environmentally friendly production processes, more efficient resource use, and corporate social responsibility. For this reason, among all generations, the youth, especially those who will lead the next generation, are expected to play an important role in building a sustainable society.
Contributor: IIYAMA Miyuki (Director, Information Program)