Research Highlights(2011)
Research Highlights

2011_seikajouhou_A4_en.pdf2.49 MB
- Manual for growth promotion of dry season vegetables utilizing limited water resources
- Impacts of climate changes through variations of evapotranspiration on rice market and production capacity in the lower Mekong River Basin region
- Near-isogenic lines for days to heading with an Indica-type variety IR64 genetic background
- Manual for Improving Rice Production in Africa
- Indigenous organic resources for improving soil fertility in rice systems in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Simple and rapid measurements of photosynthetic activity in submerged rice by measuring chlorophyll fluorescence emissions
- Identification of cis-acting promoter elements in cold- and dehydration-induced transcriptional pathways in rice, soybean and Arabidopsis
- AZF1 and AZF2 proteins regulate plant growth under drought and salt stresses
- Soybean line carrying multiple resistance genes against soybean rust
- Multiline variety for rainfed lowland rice variety
- Stock management of the fluvial shrimp Macrobrachium yui indigenous to northern Laos based on life-history characteristics
- Effect of natural fermentation on the textural improvement of traditional fermented rice noodles
- Development of cellulose-degrading enzyme recycle system for reducing enzyme cost of saccharification
- Production of biodegradable plastic from oil palm sap
- Analyzing pollen dispersal of seraya (Shorea curtisii ) to promote healthy seed production to sustain forest regeneration
- The importance of large scale mangrove estuaries as feeding grounds for commercially important juvenile fishes
- Size measurement and nutritional condition evaluation methods in sandfish (Holothuria scabra Jaeger)
- Stock assessment and management of juvenile orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) at a tropical mangrove brackish area in Peninsular Malaysia
刊行年月日 | |
作成者 | Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences |
オンライン掲載日 | |
国立情報学研究所メタデータ主題語彙集(資源タイプ) | Technical Report |
号 | 2011 |
言語 | eng |