SALIBU Rice Ratoon Cropping Systems : Unprecedented and sustainable high-yield rice-ratooning with the lowest use of time and resources : Perennial rice cultivation using low-position ratoons
Kazumi Yamaoka, Erdiman, Khin Mar Htay, Joseph Ofori, Resfa Fitri, Kyaw Myaing, Naing Kyi Win, Kofi Kutame, Gabriel Owusu, Harjito, 国際農業研究叢書. (26) (2023-03-24)
ラオス在来魚類研究 : 在来種の養殖適用と資源保全
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Farm Management and Environment of Rainfed Agriculture in Laos
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クリーン開発メカニズム(CDM)を活用した農村開発 : パラグアイ及びベトナムの事例
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Global Trend of Jatropha Research and its use: Potential of Jatropha plant for the Development in Sub Saharan Africa
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Common Underwater Plants in Coastal Areas of Thailand
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中国農業のゆくえ : JIRCASの中国農業・社会経済調査研究
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ジャトロファ研究とその利用に関する国際行動 : サブサハラ・アフリカへの利用可能性
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Local Vegetables of Thailand
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A Guidebook for Sugarcane in Japan
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Stored Rice Insect Pests and Their Natural Enemies in Thailand
T. Hayashi, S.nakamura, P. Visarathanonth, J. Uraichuen, R. kengkanpanich, 国際農業研究叢書. (13) (2004-01-01)
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