Liaison Office

DOA Seminar



Thailand is one of the most important partners of JIRCAS research collaboration in Southeast Asia. Since 1970, when Tropic Agricultural Research Center (TARC) was established (the predecessor of JIRCAS), many collaborative projects with Department of Agriculture (DOA), Thai Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives have been conducted. In 1989, TARC Bangkok Office was opened in Soil Research Group of DOA, and it is currently operating as JIRCAS Southeast Asia Liaison Office. In order to summarize the outcomes of the collaborative research projects under the JIRCAS Third Medium-term Plan, which will be completed in FY 2015, the seminar, titled “The agricultural technology innovation in Thailand through JIRCAS-DOA joint researches”, was held on March 6, 2015, in DOA. During the seminar, the recent collaborative research results, such as the development of new sugarcane varieties suitable for Northeast Thailand and the impact of low night temperature on the fertilization of Dorian were introduced. The participants also discussed the direction of future cooperation and exchanged their opinions.

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