Pick Up
1078. Temperature in July 2024
1078. Temperature in July 2024
According to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), the average monthly temperature in July 2024 was 16.91°C, 0.04°C below the highest recorded in July 2023, making it the second-hottest temperature on record, terminating the 13th consecutive months of breaking record temperature. In turn, as July 22, 2024 was reported to be the hottest day in history, with extreme heat events were reported across the world.
According to the Meteorological Agency of Japan, 62 of the 153 weather stations nationwide recorded the highest monthly average temperature ever in July. In addition, the deviation of the monthly average temperature from the reference value, based on observations from 15 stations used for long-term climate change monitoring, was +2.16°C, which was higher than last year's record for July and the highest since statistics began in 1898.
In July 2024, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and Morocco along the Mediterranean Sea were hit by a heat wave, according to World Weather Attribution (WWA), which analyzes the causal relationship between extreme events and climate change. According to WWA, the abnormally high temperatures observed in July would be impossible without the anthropogenic burning of fossil fuels. Without climate change, it should be about 3°C cooler, while the heat waves have raised temperatures by about 1.7–3.5°C compared to the pre-industrial period.
The background to these abnormal heat waves is the heat that exceeds the average temperature observed in Antarctica by 10°C. This is the second such heatwave in Antarctica in the past two years, and the Antarctic ice sheet is also reported to be the thinnest since 2023.
Next week, Pick Up will also have a summer holiday. It is scheduled to resume on August 19.
Contributor: IIYAMA Miyuki, Information Program