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1049. International Day of the Tropics

1049. International Day of the Tropics
Tomorrow, June 29, is International Day of the Tropics.
JIRCAS’s sole substation, the Tropical Agriculture Research Front (TARF) located on Ishigaki Island, takes advantage of its favorable climatic and geographical conditions. Situated in a humid subtropical oceanic island environment, TARF closely resembles the research sites where JIRCAS conducts studies overseas. The facility boasts a vast 21-hectare experimental field, various greenhouses, and an open laboratory equipped with lysimeters. Researchers engage in basic and fundamental research to develop agricultural production technologies that can be applied to tropical and subtropical regions, including the Asia-Pacific island areas.
In addition, JIRCAS is the only agricultural research institute under the jurisdiction of the government that is capable of empirical research in the cultivation environment of tropical crops. It contributes to domestic agriculture by promoting rice generation advancement, hybridizing sugarcane, preserving and managing genetic resources of tropical fruit trees and sugarcane, and breeding of green beans, papaya, passion fruit, and pasture grass varieties for the Nansei/Ryukyu Islands, among others. For quite some time now, the impacts of global climate change on agriculture and the environment have been a topic of concern. Nevertheless, as a hub that connects domestic and international research, JIRCAS will continue to promote research and development and strive to provide and disseminate information, leveraging its position of being on the frontlines of global warming.
"Tropical crop genetic resources" https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/program/proc/c4
"Yama-Sato-Umi agroecosystem connectivity" https://www.jircas.go.jp/ja/program/proa/a5
For more information, please refer to the TARF Handbook (2023)*.
*Only available in Japanese
Contributor: YAMANAKA Shinsuke, Tropical Agriculture Research Front