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973. Unjust Impact of Climate Change
973. Unjust Impact of Climate Change
March 8 is International Women's Day, a day of international solidarity and united action to advance the status of women and eliminate discrimination against women.
Many women are engaged and active in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, but it is also women who suffer relatively more from the shocks of climate change and other factors.
According to a report, The Unjust Climate, published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), female-headed households in low- and middle-income countries tend to suffer greater economic losses due to climate change than their male counterparts.
Income losses due to heat stress are 8% (equivalent to US$83) higher for female-headed agricultural households and 3% (equivalent to US$35) higher for male-headed households in all low- and middle-income countries, and the income gap between female-headed and male-headed households is widening, with heat stress and flood losses equivalent to US$370 billion and US$16 billion, respectively.
A 1°C increase in average temperature would result in a 34% long-term income loss for female-headed agricultural households compared to male-headed households. Unless action is taken to address the current gap in agricultural productivity and wages between women and men, the effects of climate change could further widen the gap.
The report calls for investment in policies and programs that focus on addressing multiple vulnerabilities to climate, taking into account the constraints rural people face, such as access to resources and services, and the need for adequate social protection.
Contributor: IIYAMA Miyuki (Information Program)