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767. JIRCAS Mango Genetic Resources Site Now Available in English

767. JIRCAS Mango Genetic Resources Site Now Available in English
Mango is the third most productive tropical fruit tree in the world after banana and pineapple, and is grown in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. It is also an important cash crop in Asia, the main area of production, and there is considerable scope for research and development of varieties, cultivation techniques, and high value-added products corresponding to the demands on each region.
The information obtained from the experimental cultivation of mango genetic resources held by JIRCAS at the Tropical Agriculture Research Front (Ishigaki City, Okinawa Prefecture) has been made available to domestic researchers, producers and the general public through the JIRCAS website (Mango Genetic Resources Site: https:// www.jircas.go.jp/ja/database/mango/mango-top) since 2017. In recent years, we have received many visits and inquiries to our website from overseas, and we have also received requests from collaborating researchers outside Japan for more detailed information on variety characteristics, research methods, etc. Therefore, we have organized the information that we believe would be useful to people outside Japan, excluding information for domestic use (such as local information specific to cultivation in Ishigaki), and made it available in an English version.
The Tropical crop genetic resources project, which is part of the JIRCAS Information Program, aims to improve the use of genetic resources through information and collaboration, and we hope that the release of this English version of the website will help to provide and share information outside Japan.
Genetic diversity and characteristics of mango genetic resources in Japan, JIRCAS Research Highlights (FY2019), https://www.jircas.go.jp/en/publication/research_results/2019_d02
Yamanaka S et al. (2019) Genetic diversity and relatedness of mango cultivars assessed by SSR markers. Breeding Science, 69:332-344
Advancement of tropical crop genetic resources utilization through the development of database, technologies and research networking (Tropical crop genetic resources) https://www.jircas.go.jp/en/program/proc/c4
Contributor: YAMANAKA Shinsuke (Tropical Agriculture Research Front)