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236. SDG2 Advocacy Hub: Good Food For All

The Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG2) aims to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. At first glance, it seems to be focused on nutrition because the abbreviation is “Zero hunger”. However, in addition to eradication of hunger, the set indicators of SDG2 covers a wide range of fields such as doubling agricultural productivity and income of small food producers, strong agricultural practices, maintaining genetic diversity, agricultural investment, markets and trade, and access to market information.
Many sectors are working to achieve SDG2. Early research has shown that while each sector is doing great work, there is a lack of overall coordination across sectors. The SDG2 Advocacy Hub was established in 2017 to bring together NGOs, agricultural networks, nutritionists, campaigners, civil society, the private sector and UN agencies to coordinate efforts, align goals and combine expertise towards achieving SDG2 by 2030. It provides advocacy tools and campaign guidance on how to engage with SDG2, and supports a variety of initiatives at the grassroots and national levels.
The SDG2 Hub narrative Good Food For All (GFFA) is conceptualized to integrate the policies, advocacy, and campaign activities related to SDG2 focusing on the food experience in a broader sense instead of technical discussions. The hub covers 8 pillars such as gender, climate, security etc., and provides toolkits such as logos and animations.
JIRCAS also aims to reduce poverty, ensure food security, and solve global environmental problems, and conducts experimental research related to agriculture, forestry and fisheries in developing regions. Since its establishment in 1970, it has played a central role in international contributions and collaboration in the field of agriculture, forestry and fisheries research in Japan. The research results are used to raise the income of farmers in developing regions, provide a stable food supply and respond to climate change, contributing to the achievement of the SDGs.
The SDG2 Advocacy Hub. http://sdg2advocacyhub.org/
accessed on Feb 15, 2021.
Contributor: SHIRATORI Sakiko (Research Strategy Office)