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123. Lancet Planet Health: COVID-19 and the future of food systems at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

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In the August 2020 issue, the Lancet Planet Health published an article entitled " COVID-19 and the future of food systems at the UNFCCC”. The two crises, the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis, both impact the most vulnerable societies, highlighting the need for a global food systems transformation.

In consideration of COVID-19, the following recommendations have been put together based on a survey conducted during the UN Climate Change Conference COP25:

  • Health care issues are becoming increasingly important in climate change negotiations, and nationally determined contributions (NDCs) should include food systems that include dietary changes in order to meet the Paris Agreement. 
  • UNFCCC should address agricultural issues in climate change negotiations following the launch of the Koronivia workshops (The Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture is a landmark decision recognizing the role of agriculture in tackling climate change.). This workshop focuses only on food production practices, but achieving the Paris Agreement is difficult without significant changes in eating habits. Therefore, negotiations related to Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use at the UNFCCC should include food production, food lossand waste, and dietary changes.
  • UNFCCC should mandate that catering at all current and future events follows the latest guidance on healthy and sustainable diets. COP26 in Glasgow is a good time to set a good example.

The full article is available at:

Gralak S, Spajic L, Blom I, et al. COVID-19 and the future of food systems at the UNFCCC. Lancet Planet Health 2020; 4: e309–11.

Contributor: IIYAMA Miyuki (Research Strategy Office)

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