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55. Comprehensive Response to Build Resilience to Climate crisis and COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa
In May 2020, the Global Center for Adaptation, co-chaired by the heads of 54 African countries and the 8th United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, published a policy brief: Integrated Responses to Building Climate and Pandemic Resilience in Africa. The brief emphasized the need to invest in food security, water management and infrastructure for Africa to attain a “triple dividend” of reduced pandemic risk, climate resilience and economic recovery.
Global Center on Adaptation. Is a green recovery in Africa possible after Covid-19?
Global Center on Adaptation. INTEGRATED RESPONSES TO BUILDING CLIMATE AND PANDEMIC RESILIENCE IN AFRICA. A Policy Brief from the Global Center on Adaptation & African Adaptation Initiative May 2020.
Thomson Reuters. OPINION: To avert a COVID-triggered famine, our global food systems need to change by Ban Ki-moon and Dag-Inge Ulstein | Global Commission on Adaptation Friday, 22 May 2020.
Contributed by: IIYAMA Miyuki (Research Strategy Office)