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1104. United in Science 2024

1104. United in Science 2024
To coincide with the convening of the United Nations General Assembly in September, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and other UN agencies have released a report on the latest climate science information (United in Science). The theme of the 2024 report is United in Science: Reboot Climate Action.
From a scientific point of view, it is clear that we are far from achieving important climate goals. The effects of climate change and extreme weather events are undermining the achievements of development so far, threatening the well-being of people and the stability of the planet. Greenhouse gases and temperatures have reached record levels, and the gap between the aspirations for emission reductions and reality remains high. If the current policy continues, it cannot be ruled out that global warming will reach 3°C by the end of this century.
The latest United in Science 2024 report shows how advances in the natural and social sciences, new technologies, and innovations can deepen our understanding of our Earth system and be a game-changer for climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and sustainable development.
Compiled by a consortium of UN agencies, the report draws input from young people and young scientists who are agents of change for the future, and delivers the following message:
Key messages
- Multi-agency report highlights challenges and opportunities
- Summit of the Future decisions: a choice between breakthrough or breakdown
- Increasing climate change impacts reverse development gains
- Gap between aspiration and reality widens
- New technologies and innovation are potential game-changers
- Natural and social sciences are part of a wider transdisciplinary approach
Contributor: IIYAMA Miyuki, Information Program