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886. Actors in Adaptation Measures

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886. Actors in Adaptation Measures

In a world where the frequency of extreme weather events driven by climate change is increasing, there is an urgent need to harness climate change adaptation strategies. A paper published in Nature Climate Change conducted an extensive review of case studies and identified individuals and households as key actors in planning and implementing adaptation efforts. The paper highlights the importance of fostering coordination and collaboration among the various stakeholders involved in shaping the institutional framework for adaptation initiatives.

According to the paper, individuals and households were consistently highlighted as the main actors in adaptation, accounting for 64% of all references. In many cases, they were the ones actively implementing these measures. Financial roles in adaptation were attributed to international and multinational governance institutions, the private sector, civil society organizations and central governments. While governments were recognized as participants in adaptation planning, there was no clear pattern regarding the level of government involvement, whether at the central, regional or local level. Civil society organizations emerged as key actors in orchestrating cooperation and raising awareness among the various stakeholders. The academic community played a critical role in raising awareness of the importance of climate change adaptation, particularly in the area of assessing climate change impacts and monitoring adaptation measures. Notably, the private sector was primarily associated with financial support and implementation of adaptation strategies.

Looking at the regional distribution of actors involved in adaptation implementation, in Europe, North America and Australia, governments were mentioned more often than individuals or households. In contrast, individuals and households outnumbered government actors in Asia and especially in Africa. Civil society organizations were more prominent in Latin America and small island states.

With regard to the remarkable role of individuals and households as key implementers of climate change adaptation and as drivers of behavioral change and cultural responses, the literature points to a lack of institutional linkages with government agencies responsible for planning and financing. This gap in the implementation of transformative adaptation measures and the multiplicity of actors involved underscore the need to create systematic social support conditions to facilitate collaborative efforts among stakeholders.


Petzold, J., Hawxwell, T., Jantke, K. et al. A global assessment of actors and their roles in climate change adaptation. Nat. Clim. Chang. (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-023-01824-z


Contributor: IIYAMA Miyuki (Information Program)


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