Pick Up

655. Toward the Establishment of Insecticide Susceptibility Monitoring Network for Fall Armyworm in Indochina

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Food Information

Fall armyworm is an important transboundary pest that is thought to be capable of self-migrating by flight for more than 100 km in a single night. We have discussed its ecology and the importance of its control in the Pick up articles listed below and in an overview of the Transboundary pest management project.
The continuous use of insecticides to control pests can lead to the emergence of new strains that have acquired resistance to those insecticides. In the case of migratory pests that can travel long distances, such as fall armyworm, the emergence of a strain that has acquired resistance is likely to spread quickly to neighboring countries, rather than remaining in the country where it emerged. Therefore, in order to control the spread of insecticide-resistant strains of this species, an international network is needed to monitor changes in susceptibility to insecticides in each country, share the results with neighboring countries, and promptly take countermeasures when susceptibility declines.
In order to easily and quantitatively compare the results of susceptibility assessments conducted in different countries, it is necessary to conduct the assessment tests in the same way as far as possible. Therefore, JIRCAS, in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture of Thailand and with advice from the Institute for Plant Protection of the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), has developed an insecticide susceptibility evaluation method that is highly likely to be implemented under the same conditions in each country on the Indochina Peninsula. In addition, from October 25-28, 2022, researchers from Myanmar’s Department of Agriculture were invited to the Department of Agriculture in Thailand to learn the developed insecticide susceptibility evaluation method, and it was confirmed that monitoring of insecticide susceptibility using this method is highly feasible in that country. JIRCAS will continue its activities to establish an insecticide susceptibility monitoring network for the fall armyworm, mainly in the Indochina Peninsula, and will also continue its research on specific measures to be taken in the event of the emergence of resistant strains.

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Contributor: KOBORI Youichi (Crop, Livestock and Environment Division)


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