Pick Up
414. JIRCAS International Symposium 2021 to be Held Online ― Towards Achieving Sustainable Food Systems in the Asia Monsoon Region―

Countries around the world that are highly concerned about the SDGs and the environment are beginning to move in the direction of balancing the economy and the environment through innovation. In Japan as well, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) formulated the Strategy for Sustainable Food Systems, MeaDRI (Measures for achievement of Decarbonization and Resilience with Innovation), in order to achieve both productivity improvement and sustainability of the food, agriculture, forestry and fisheries industry through innovation.
As we have already reported several times in this Pick Up, the JIRCAS International Symposium 2021 will be held online on November 17 (Wed), with the theme “The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation in Achieving Sustainable Food Systems in the Asia Monsoon Region: A Platform for International Collaboration".
In this symposium, experts from international organizations, agricultural research institutes, and development agencies active in the field of agriculture around the world will take the stage to explore innovations that will improve both agricultural productivity and sustainability in the Asia monsoon region, and discuss how to create a platform for collaboration that will contribute to the MeaDRI Strategy. We will also provide a forum to think about the realization of a sustainable food system with people from research institutes, universities, and the general public who are interested in the environment.
JIRCAS International Symposium 2021
1. Date & Time: November 17 (Wed), 2021, 14:00 - 16:15
2. Format: Online (Live Streaming from the JIRCAS YouTube channel)
3. Registration: Please register through the JIRCAS website.
URL: https://www.jircas.go.jp/en/symposium/2021/e20211117/entry
(Deadline: 9:00 AM, Nov. 16 (Tue), 2021)
4. Language: English (with Japanese subtitles)
5. Participation Fee: Free (open to all)
1. Opening remarks
- KOYAMA Osamu (President, JIRCAS)
- AOYAMA Toyohisa (Director-General, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Secretariat, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)
2. Keynote speeches
- Prof. Joachim von BRAUN (Chair, Scientific Group, UN Food Systems Summit): Research priorities in support of global and regional food systems transformations
- OSAWA Makoto (Former Vice-Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries): UN Food System Summit is only the first step
3. Presentations
- Sridhar DHARMAPURI (Senior Food Safety and Nutrition Officer, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific): Transforming agri-food systems in the Asia-Pacific
- Jon HELLIN (Platform Leader - Sustainable Impact through Rice-based Systems, IRRI): Creating opportunities for transformative climate adaptation and mitigation by farmers in the Asian Monsoon Region
- UEDA Yasunari (Executive Technical Advisor, Economic Development Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA): Prioritized initiatives in the field of agricultural and rural development in the Asian monsoon region
- SHIRATO Yasuhito (Director, Division of Climate Change Mitigation Research, NARO Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences): Wise soil management for achieving triple wins in agriculture - food security, adaptation and mitigation
- HAYASHI Keiichi (Program Director/Environment, JIRCAS): Working for small-scale farmers towards sustainable food system in Asia Monsoon Region
4. Panel discussion
- Panel Chair: IIYAMA Miyuki (Program Director/Information, JIRCAS)
5. Closing remarks
- YAMAMOTO Yukiyo (Vice President, JIRCAS)
Contributors: KANAMORI Norihito and OMORI Keisuke (Information and Public Relations Office)