Pick Up
315. Biofortification for Healthier, Inclusive and Resilient Food Systems

Biofortification is one of the solutions to micronutrient deficiencies such as vitamins and minerals, and is an effort to encourage the intake of micronutrients by increasing the nutritional value of the crop itself, rather than adding the food with fortification. We have covered it several times in this column (Pick up 34, Pick up 127).
Since the first varieties of biofortified crops were released to farmers 16 years ago, biofortification has received a lot of attention in low- and middle-income countries. Underpinning their uptake is the solid scientific evidence on their nutritional and health benefits.
Biofortification is tailored to the needs and conditions of farmers. It is a proven, practical, and cost-effective technology that provides a nutritious foods after harvesting the crops without the need for additional investment by the farmer. By providing locally deficient essential micronutrients through staple foods such as rice, wheat, beans, and maize that are predominantly consumed in the region, the entire family, including women and young children, who are the primary target of biological fortification, can enjoy the nutritional benefits.
A recent policy brief, Scaling Up Biofortified Crops and Foods for Healthier, Inclusive, and Resilient Food Systems from HarvestPlus, a leading advocate of biofortification, summarizes the benefits and impacts of biofortified crops and foods, and urges action by governments, businesses, and international organizations to scale up. It also recommends commitments to be made by key stakeholders at the UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) in September and the Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit (N4G) in December this year, as now is the time to scale up rapidly.
HarvestPlus. Policy Brief Urges Commitments at Food Systems and Nutrition Summits to Scale Up Biofortification
https://www.harvestplus.org/knowledge-market/in-the-news/policy-brief-u… Accessed on June 9.
HarvestPlus. Scaling Up Biofortified Crops and Foods for Healthier, Inclusive, and Resilient Food Systems https://www.harvestplus.org/sites/default/files/Biofortificiation%20and… Accessed on June 9.
Contributor: SHIRATORI Sakiko (Information and Public Relations Office)