JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly vol. 48 no.2
Regulation of Pathogenicity-related Genes in Phytopathogenic Bacteria and Plant
TSUYUMU Shinji, KIMURA Sachi, HIRATA Hisae, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 48(2) , 105-109 (2014-04-01)
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New Ways to Evaluate the Quality of Vegetables Using Instruments
ITO Hidekazu, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 48(2) , 111-120 (2014-04-01)
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Fruit Productivity of Vertically Trained Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. et Nakai) plants
WATANABE Shin-ichi, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 48(2) , 121-131 (2014-04-01)
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Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions When Using Biodiesel Fuel
CHIBA Masamoto, SHIMIZU Kazufumi, TAKAHASHI Hiroyuki, SUGIURA Yasuro, SEKI Ei, HARANO Michio, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 48(2) , 133-137 (2014-04-01)
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The Effect of Unreacted Residue in Biodiesel Fuel on Diesel Engine Performance
CHIBA Masamoto, SHIMIZU Kazufumi, TAKAHASHI Hiroyuki, TESHIMA Tsukasa, HARANO Michio, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 48(2) , 139-145 (2014-04-01)
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Effectiveness of Reduced Tillage on the Cast Production of Pheretima (Amynthas) carnosa and Yields of Chinese Cabbage on Volcanic-ash Soil
KANEDA Satoshi, NAKAJIMA Miyuki, URASHIMA Yasufumi, MURAKAMI Toshifumi, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 48(2) , 147-153 (2014-04-01)
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Pathogenicity of Rice Blast (Pyricularia oryzae Cavara) Isolates from Cambodia
FUKUTA Yoshimichi, KOGA Ikumi, UNG Tochi, SATHYA Khay, KAWASAKI-TANAKA Akiko, KOIDE Yohei, KOBAYASHI Nobuya, OBARA Mitsuhiro, YADANA Hun, HAYASHI Nagao, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 48(2) , 155-166 (2014-04-01)
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Current Status of the Occurrence and Farmer Perceptions of Rice Planthopper in Cambodia
MATSUKAWA Mizuki, ITO Kasumi, KAWAKITA Kazuhito, TANAKA Toshiharu, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 48(2) , 167-173 (2014-04-01)
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Effects of Drought Stress on the Metabolic Properties of Active Oxygen Species, Nitrogen and Photosynthesis in Cucumber 'Jinchun No. 5' Seedlings
LI Jincai, NISHIMURA Yasuyo, ZHAO Xiheng, FUKUMOTO Yasufumi, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 48(2) , 175-181 (2014-04-01)
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Feeding of Fodder-Sugarcane Silage to Holstein Cows
SUZUKI Tomoyuki, SAKAIGAICHI Takeo, KAMIYA Mitsuru, KAMIYA Yuko, HATTORI Ikuo, SATO Kenzi, TERAUCHI Takayoshi, TANAKA Masahito, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 48(2) , 183-193 (2014-04-01)
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Physicochemical Surface-soil Properties after Litter-removal Manipulation in a Cambodian Lowland Dry Evergreen Forest
ITO Eriko, TORIYAMA Jumpei, ARAKI Makoto, KIYONO Yoshiyuki, KANZAKI Mamoru, TITH Bora, KETH Samkol, CHANDARARITY Ly, CHANN Sophal, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 48(2) , 195-211 (2014-04-01)
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Allometry for Juvenile Trees in an Amazonian Forest after Wind Disturbance
RIBEIRO Gabriel Henrique Pires de Mello, SUWA Rempei, MARRA Daniel Magnabosco, LIMA Adriano Jos? Nogueira, KAJIMOTO Takuya, ISHIZUKA Moriyoshi, HIGUCHI Niro, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 48(2) , 213-219 (2014-04-01)
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Differences in Necromass and Carbon and Nitrogen Contents between Node and Internode Material of Dead Bamboo Culms in Two Phyllostachys Species
UGAWA Shin, MIURA Satoru, KANEKO Shinji, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 48(2) , 221-230 (2014-04-01)
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Examination of Vertical Distribution of Fine Root Biomass in a Tropical Moist Forest of the Central Amazon, Brazil
NOGUCHI Hideyuki, SUWA Rempei, SOUZA Cacilda Ad?lia Sampaio de, SILVA Roseana Pereira da, SANTOS Joaquim dos, HIGUCHI Niro, KAJIMOTO Takuya, ISHIZUKA Moriyoshi, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 48(2) , 231-235 (2014-04-01)
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Management Strategy Evaluation of Fisheries Resources in Data-poor Situations Using an Operating Model Based on a Production Model
OHSHIMO Seiji, NAYA Miyako, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 48(2) , 237-244 (2014-04-01)
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