刊行物 - スリランカ

Guideline for the Reconstruction of Agriculture and Rural Communities Affected by Natural Disasters -Sri Lanka-

Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, The Department of Agrarian Development Ministry of Agrarian Development & Wildlife, Department of Agriculture Southern Province, マニュアル・ガイドライン. (2011-01-01)

manual_guideline-_-.pdf1.9 MB

Management of irrigation systems for rice double cropping culture in the tropical monsoon area

Yoshinobu Kitamura, Technical bulletin of the Tropical Agriculture Research Center. 27 (1990-01-01)

techtarc27-_1-133.pdf22.14 MB

Background of initiation of the research project on virus diseases and outline of research achievements

Toshihiro KAJIWARA, Technical bulletin of the Tropical Agriculture Research Center. 21 (1986-01-01)

techtarc21-_1-2.pdf272.34 KB


本村 悟, 熱帯農研集報. 42 (1982-03-31)


芦田 浄美, 熱帯農研集報. 37 (1980-03-25)


藤村 俊彦, 熱帯農研集報. 34 (1979-02-15)