Publication - Sri Lanka
Guideline for the Reconstruction of Agriculture and Rural Communities Affected by Natural Disasters -Sri Lanka-
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, The Department of Agrarian Development Ministry of Agrarian Development & Wildlife, Department of Agriculture Southern Province, Manual and Guideline. (2011-01-01)
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総合討論 (熱帯における水稲2期作化に伴う病害虫対策に関する研究(平成2年度熱帯農業試験研究推進会議研究推進部会))
, 熱帯農研集報. 73 (1992-11-01)
Genetic diversity and landrace differentiation of Mungbean, VIGNA RADIATA (L.) Wilczek, and evaluation of its wild relatives (The subgenus CERATOTROPIS) as breeding materials
Norihiko Tomooka, Technical bulletin of the Tropical Agriculture Research Center. 28 (1991-01-01)
techtarc28-_1-69.pdf14.05 MB
Management of irrigation systems for rice double cropping culture in the tropical monsoon area
Yoshinobu Kitamura, Technical bulletin of the Tropical Agriculture Research Center. 27 (1990-01-01)
techtarc27-_1-133.pdf22.14 MB

スリランカ (熱帯における作付体系の高度化にともなう水稲栽培の諸問題(昭和62年度熱帯農業試験研究推進会議・研究推進部会))
森田 弘彦, 矢島 正晴, 熱帯農研集報. 62 (1988-12-15)

持田 作, 熱帯農研集報. 58 (1987-03-01)
Background of initiation of the research project on virus diseases and outline of research achievements
Toshihiro KAJIWARA, Technical bulletin of the Tropical Agriculture Research Center. 21 (1986-01-01)
techtarc21-_1-2.pdf272.34 KB
北村義信, 熱研資料. 63 (1984-08-01)
nekken_shiryo63-_-.pdf19.89 MB
小沢忍, 熱研資料. 56 (1982-08-01)
nekken_shiryo56-_-.pdf15.77 MB

本村 悟, 熱帯農研集報. 42 (1982-03-31)

, 熱帯農研集報. 42 (1982-03-31)

寒川 一成, 熱帯農研集報. 40 (1981-03-25)

湿潤熱帯土壌の肥沃度の評価 (熱帯土壌の肥沃度をめぐる諸問題(専門部門別研究会))
久馬 一剛, 熱帯農研集報. 40 (1981-03-25)

芦田 浄美, 熱帯農研集報. 37 (1980-03-25)

藤村 俊彦, 熱帯農研集報. 34 (1979-02-15)