Dissemination of JIRCAS Research Results at the UNFCCC Bonn Climate Change Conference

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BNI-system Adaptive forestry

The Bonn Climate Change Conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was held in Bonn, Germany on June 5-15, 2023. Dr. NOGUCHI Shouji (Director, Forestry Division) and Dr. YOSHIHASHI Tadashi (Project Leader, Biological Resources and Post-harvest Division) presented their research at the 15th Research Dialogue held on June 8th.

The Bonn Climate Change Conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was held in Bonn, Germany on June 5-15, 2023. Dr. NOGUCHI Shouji (Director, Forestry Division) and Dr. YOSHIHASHI Tadashi (Project Leader, Biological Resources and Post-harvest Division) presented their research at the 15th Research Dialogue held on June 8th.

The Research Dialogue discussed research and research capacity building, especially in developing regions, to support the implementation of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement. Three research projects from Japan (two from JIRCAS) were selected for presentation in the Research Dialogue. Dr. Noguchi presented his research on methane gas absorption and release in tropical rainforests and mangrove forests conducted in collaboration with Dr. KONDO Toshiaki (Biological Resources and Post-harvest Division) and Dr. SUWA Rempei (Forestry Division). Dr. Yoshihashi presented the BNI-enabled wheat developed jointly with CIMMYT, which is being evaluated for practical application in India.

The meeting was attended by a wide range of stakeholders from the scientific community, parties, and non-parties. Participants engaged in lively discussions on the latest research results and their application to support the implementation of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.

The conference proceedings and presentation materials are available on the UNFCCC website.


Dr. Noguchi’s presentation at Research Dialogue (Courtesy of MAFF)

Dr. Yoshihashi’s presentation at Research Dialogue (Courtesy of MAFF)

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