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840. Food Systems and Planetary Goals: Two Inseparable Policy Agendas

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840. Food Systems and Planetary Goals: Two Inseparable Policy Agendas

The Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition, an independent group of influential experts actively engaged in global food and nutrition security, released a policy brief last month entitled "Food Systems and Planetary Goals: Two Inseparable Policy Agendas.” 

In this brief, it is stated that there is no future for food systems without addressing the unsustainable food systems that continue to harm the planet and human health, making it impossible to address climate change and global goals. It highlights three key conclusions: First, all countries must prioritize achieving the "1.5+" agenda (see note). Second, policymakers need to align national food system transformations with a broader 1.5+ agenda. And third, this shared challenge has the potential to deliver broader global and national benefits, including improved economic growth, equity, health outcomes, environmental sustainability, and stability.

While primarily intended to assist policymakers in low- and middle-income countries, this brief provides valuable insights for stakeholders involved in international policy processes, including high-income countries and the private sector. Despite some recent positive policy actions, it finds that most countries fall far short of the required standards.

Both policy agendas need to be addressed simultaneously, as the success of one is intertwined with the success of the other. The upcoming COP28 conference in Dubai will be a critical opportunity to align national food system transformations with the broader "1.5+" agenda.

Note: "1.5+ agenda" refers to the role of food system transformation in limiting global temperature rise to within 1.5 degrees Celsius and staying within 8 planetary boundaries, including biodiversity loss, land use change, freshwater use, ocean acidification, stratospheric ozone, global phosphorus and nitrogen cycles, chemical pollution, and atmospheric aerosol loading.

Global Panel (2023). Food systems and planetary goals: two inseparable policy agendas. Policy Brief No. 17. London, UK: Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition. https://www.glopan.org/planetarygoals/      Accessed on August 14, 2023.


Contributor: SHIRATORI Sakiko (Information and Public Relations Office)

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