JIRCAS Journal vol./no. 7
Molecular Detection and Characterization of Phytoplasmas That Cause Sugarcane White Leaf Disease
Kazuo NAKASHIMA, Porntip WONGKAEW, Witcha CHALEEPROM, Pisan SIRITHORN, Takaharu HAYASHI, JIRCAS Journal. 7 , 1-17 (1999-03-01)
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Analysis of Phyllody Disease Caused by Phytoplasmas in Sesame and Richardia Plants
Kazuo NAKASHIMA, Witcha CHALEEPROM, Porntip WONGKAEW, Pisan SIRITHORN, Shosuke KATO, JIRCAS Journal. 7 , 19-27 (1999-03-01)
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Prediction of Future Situation of Rice Farming in the Muda Area, Malaysia
Kumi YASUNOBU, Foong Yee WONG, Toshiyuki MONMA, JIRCAS Journal. 7 , 29-43 (1999-03-01)
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Current Situation of Water Resources and Proposal for the Construction of a Subsurface Dam in Northeast Thailand
Masayuki IMAIZUMI, Somsaku SUKUCHAN, Krisanee PALOPKERN, JIRCAS Journal. 7 , 45-67 (1999-03-01)
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Diel and Seasonal Variations of Methane Flux from Bang Khen Paddy Field in Thailand
Kunihiko KATOH, Prapai CHAIROJ, Kazuyuki YAGI, Haruo TSURUTA, Katsuyuki MlNAMI, Wisit CHOLITKUL, JIRCAS Journal. 7 , 69-75 (1999-03-01)
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Methane Emission from Paddy Fields in Northern Thailand
Kunihiko KATOH, Prapai CHAIROJ, Kazuyuki YAGI, Haruo TSURUTA, Katsuyuki MINAMI, Wisit CHOLITKUL, JIRCAS Journal. 7 , 77-85 (1999-03-01)
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Methane Emission from Paddy Fields in Northeast Thailand
Kunihiko KATOH, Prapai CHAIROJ, Kazuyuki YAGI, Haruo TSURUTA, Katsuyuki MINAMI, Wisit CHOLITKUL, JIRCAS Journal. 7 , 87-96 (1999-03-01)
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A Method of Construction of Small Ponds in Northeast Thailand
Yuji KOHGO, Surendra Bahadur TAMRAKAR, Hui Gang TANG, JIRCAS Journal. 7 , 97-104 (1999-03-01)
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ldentification of Antimutagenic Substances (Ames Test) from Boesenbergia pandurata Schl. (Fingerroot) and Languas galanga (Galanga)
Gassinee TRAKOONTIVAKORN, Kazuhiko NAKAHARA, Hiroshi SHlNMOTO, Tojiro TSUSHIDA, JIRCAS Journal. 7 , 105-116 (1999-03-01)
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Modification of Farmers' Differentiation Process and Role of Farmers' Organizations:A case study in Hoa An village, Mekong delta of vietnam
Ryoichi YAMAZAKI, Duong Van NI, JIRCAS Journal. 7 , 117-132 (1999-03-01)
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