Depot-Specific Differences in Adipogenesis in Wagyu Cattle

JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
ISSN 00213551
書誌レコードID(総合目録DB) AA0068709X
Fat depot-specific differences in adipose tissue growth (adipogenesis) are an important factor in the production of beef cattle. Japanese black (Wagyu) cattle are characterized by high adipogenic ability. This review will discuss fat depot-specific differences in adipogenesis among subcutaneous, visceral, and intramuscular depots of fattening Wagyu based on our previous studies. We show that anatomical sites of adipose tissue affect adipocyte size. We also show that fat depot-specific differences in adipogenesis are affected by the expression of adipogenic transcription factors. In addition, we show that fat depot-specific differences in adipokine gene expression are affected by adipocyte size. Furthermore, we show that macrophages infiltrate into adipose tissues in a fat depot-specific manner. These results suggest that fat depot-specific differences in adipogenesis affect body fat distribution in fattening Wagyu.
作成者 Tomoya YAMADA Mitsuru KAMIYA Mikito HIGUCHI
著者キーワード adipocyte intramuscular subcutaneous visceral
公開者 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
受付日 2023-11-16
受理日 2024-02-26
開始ページ 193
終了ページ 196
DOI 10.6090/jarq.58.193
言語 eng
