Archived Videos of the JIRCAS International Symposium 2023 and the Japan Award 2023 Ceremony

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Archived videos of the JIRCAS International Symposium 2023 and Japan Award 2023 are available on the JIRCAS YouTube channel. If you missed it, please take a look.

The JIRCAS International Symposium 2023, themed "Innovations to enhance the resilience of tropical forests and sustainability of the forest industry," was held in a hybrid format on November 17, 2023. The event, supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI), began at 1:30 p.m. at the U Thant International Conference Hall of the United Nations University.

At 10:00 a.m. on the same day, the prestigious 2023 (17th) Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers, widely known as the Japan Award, was presented at the same venue, hosted by MAFF.

Missed the live sessions? No worries! You can now access the archived videos of both events on the JIRCAS YouTube channel. Take a moment to catch up on these insightful discussions and ceremonies. Please note that the videos are presented in their original language, and there is no Japanese-English interpretation.


JIRCAS International Symposium 2023: Innovations to enhance the resilience of tropical forests and sustainability of the forest industry

【Part1:開会~基調講演】JIRCAS国際シンポジウム2023「強靭な熱帯林と持続的な産業の共存を実現するイノベーションに向けて」 【Part2:熱帯林のランドスケープと樹木の回復力の強化】JIRCAS国際シンポジウム2023「強靭な熱帯林と持続的な産業の共存を実現するイノベーションに向けて」 【Part3:熱帯木材/非木材製品の産業的持続可能性の向上】JIRCAS国際シンポジウム2023「強靭な熱帯林と持続的な産業の共存を実現するイノベーションに向けて」 【Part4:パネルディスカッション~閉会】JIRCAS国際シンポジウム2023「強靭な熱帯林と持続的な産業の共存を実現するイノベーションに向けて」


Awarding Ceremony of the 2023 (17th) Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers 

【前編】2023年(第17回)若手外国人農林水産研究者表彰 (Japan Award2023) 【後編】2023年(第17回)若手外国人農林水産研究者表彰 (Japan Award2023)



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