The first issue of the Green Asia Report Series entitled “Driving sustainable food systems transformation in the Asia-Monsoon region with science, technology, and innovation: background and key issues for "Green Asia" project” has been officially released.
In May 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) launched a major national initiative known as the Sustainable Food System Strategy "MIDORI". Building on this initiative, MAFF launched the project entitled "Accelerating the Application of Agricultural Technologies to Enhance Production Potential and Ensure Sustainable Food Systems in the Asia-Monsoon Region" or "Green Asia" for short, which is specifically designed to promote the adoption of technologies that contribute to mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable agriculture in the Asia-Monsoon region. The project is led by JIRCAS and aims to facilitate positive change in the agricultural landscape of the region.
The Asia-Monsoon Region shares several characteristics with Japan, including a hot and humid climate, rice paddy farming, and small-scale farmers. However, the agricultural sector in the Asia-Monsoon region is increasingly vulnerable to extreme weather events due to climate change, mirroring trends observed globally. The region also faces significant pest and disease risks. At the same time, it is one of the world's leading emitters of agricultural greenhouse gases. This calls for the urgent application of science, technology, and innovation (STI) to reduce the environmental impacts of agriculture, such as greenhouse gas emissions, while increasing productivity.
To accelerate the adoption of STI in the Asia-Monsoon region, it is essential to share knowledge and experience among stakeholders. Many of the STIs developed to revolutionize Japan's food system can be effectively applied in the Asia-Monsoon region. The report highlights the need to accelerate efforts to transform the food system at the regional level and proposes a network for stakeholders in the Asia-Monsoon region to share information on scientific and technological innovations.
The International Center for Strategy "MIDORI"
Iiyama M, Kanamori N, Kobayashi S, Funaki Y (2023) Driving Sustainable Food Systems Transformation in the Asia-Monsoon Region with Science, Technology and Innovation. Background and key issues for “Green Asia” project. Green Asia Report Series No.1. JIRCAS. (
飯山みゆき、金森紀仁、小林慎太郎、舟木康郎 (2023)、アジアモンスーン地域における科学・技術・イノベーションの適用を通じた持続可能な食料システムの変革の推進、グリーンアジア レポートシリーズ、No. 1. 国立研究開発法人国際農林水産業研究センター (
- グリーンアジアレポートシリーズ No.1 (和訳版)
- gars-j1-_-.pdf3.65 MB
- Green Asia Report Series No.1
- gars-e1-_-.pdf3.5 MB