The Weather-Rice-nutrient integrated decision support system (WeRise) is a seasonal climate prediction-based decision support system for rainfed rice areas. WeRise was developed by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in collaboration with JIRCAS and in conjunction with the IRRI-Japan collaborative research project (IJCRP) on Climate Change Adaptation in Rainfed Rice Areas (CCARA), funded by MAFF. JIRCAS has been conducting joint research with the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) and International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) during current Mid-to Long-Term Plan on the application of WeRise to rainfed rice growing areas in the Philippines. The article in the PhilRice Magazine, a quarterly publication of PhilRice, introduced the JIRCAS efforts on WeRise to a wide range of readers including rice researchers and farmers in the Philippines and other countries.
WeRise is highly expected to be used as an effective tool for increasing the adaptability to climate change of 5 million rainfed rice farmers across the Philippines. Project collaborator and PhilRice senior researcher Ailon Oliver Capistrano explained that an integrated seasonal climate predictions and crop growth model in WeRise facilitated predictions on when to sow, transplant, and fertilize the rice crops depending on growing area and variety. The joint research project of PhilRice and IRRI with JIRCAS also includes database construction on rice growth and weather, field trials in the local rainfed farms, and training of agricultural extension workers in using WeRise on site.
Link to PhilRice Magazine article on WeRise
- An excerpt on WeRise from the PhilRice Magazine, Vol. 33
- r20200430.pdf630.66 KB