A seminar on the SATREPS project in Madagascar entitled “Project for Breakthrough in Nutrient Use Efficiency for Rice by Genetic Improvement and Fertility Sensing Techniques in Africa” (FY VARY Project; 2017.5-2022.5) was held at the JIRCAS International Conference Room on January 30, 2018. The project was launched as one of a collaborative research initiative at JIRCAS in this fiscal year to contribute in stabilizing food production in Africa by disseminating rice production techniques suited to the poor fertility soils common in Madagascar and elsewhere in Africa. Furthermore, the project also aims to develop technologies for cultivation of crops with high nutrient use efficiency and to help promote the conversion from resource intensive to a resource-saving and sustainable agriculture.
The outline and strategies of the project were discussed during the seminar was attended by Dr. Tantely Razafimbelo of Antananarivo University Radiation Research Institute (LRI), the main collaborative research institute in Madagascar, and Dr. Raymond Rabeson, Head of the Rice Research Department (FOFIFA-DRD). Director Tantely Razafimbelo introduced the activities of LRI and the role in the SATREPS project, and Director Raymond Rabeson introduced the activities of FOFIFA-DRD and the role in the SATREPS project, and then disseminated the contents of the joint research and the results of the project.