SATREPS FY VARY Project Holds Workshop in Madagascar

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Stable Agricultural Production

The SATREPS project “Breakthrough in nutrient use efficiency for rice by genetic improvement and fertility sensing techniques in Africa (FY VARY Project)” organized a workshop, which also served as the mid-term evaluation of the project, at the Hotel Colbert in Antananarivo, Madagascar on December 12, 2019.

The SATREPS project “Breakthrough in nutrient use efficiency for rice by genetic improvement and fertility sensing techniques in Africa (FY VARY Project)” organized a workshop, which also served as the mid-term evaluation of the project, at the Hotel Colbert in Antananarivo, Madagascar on December 12, 2019. The workshop facilitated sharing of research outputs obtained so far, discussion of future plans, and strengthening of collaboration among stakeholders from within and outside the project for promoting social implementation. The FY VARY Project is jointly supported by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). 

The workshop started with the opening address of Mr. Shinji Umemoto, Chief Representative of JICA Madagascar Office, and Dr. Rafalimanana, Director of  Madagascar’s Rural Mechanization Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. Then Dr. Yasuhiro Tsujimoto, principal investigator of the project, gave an overview of the project and achievements obtained so far.  The outputs of the 4 research components of the project and future research plans were presented by the members of the collaboration including 8 researchers from Madagascar and 6 researchers from JIRCAS. The general discussion was chaired by Prof. Lilia Rabeharisoa, Director of Research and Science, Ministry of Advanced Science and Technology. During the discussion, representatives from the National Center for Applied Research and Rural Development (FOFIFA), Seed Management Committee (SOC) responsible for registering rice varieties, agricultural materials sales companies, Agrivet and STOI, shared comments, expectations and collaborations to deliver research results to social implementation. In addition, the representative from the French Agricultural Research Center for International Development (CIRAD) and the director of Madagascar Field Crops and Livestock Research Institute (FIFAMANOR) mentioned the possibility of research collaboration with the FY VARY project. The closing remarks were given by JIRCAS Program Director, Dr. Kazuo Nakashima  and Dr. Tsukasa Nagamine of JST, expressing their gratitude to collaborating organizations in Madagascar and expectations for further development of the project. The 75 participants also included those from private companies, donor institutions, and agricultural development projects. In addition, Dr. Tsujimoto was interviewed by the local media, and the workshop as well as the outputs of the project were widely publicized throughout Madagascar through 2 TV networks, 3 newspaper outlets, 2 radio stations, and the Facebook of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. 

Media Coverage

Group photo

Dr. Tsujimoto giving an overview of the FY VARY Project

Interview of Dr. Tsujimoto by the local media

Dr. Tsukasa Nagamine of JST giving the closing remarks

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